Experts recommend drinking milk against the risk of high blood pressure.Which adversely affects cardiovascular health.Studies show that if individuals drink milk regularly from childhood.They are less likely to have high blood pressure.Which negatively affects their quality of life.
Scientific studies; shows that low consumption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus is associated with the frequency of hypertension individually or socially.
Milk and High Blood Pressure
It is reported that milk is an important source of nutrients in balancing blood pressure and hypertension with its high calcium and potassium content.Hypertension patients can control their blood pressure by consuming low-fat or skim milk.
Noting that decreased calcium intake increases arterial blood pressure, Prof. Dr. Neriman Ä°nanç said: “Blood pressure can be reduced by increasing the intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus minerals.When we think of calcium, the first nutrient that comes to mind is milk.We recommend consuming 3-4 servings of milk and dairy products a day for optimal blood pressure and for a healthy life.
Prof. Dr. In the study of “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” (DASH), which lasted for eight weeks and applied a specific diet, Ä°nanç, in adults with a slightly increased protein diet.Containing fat-free and low-fat milk and dairy products, rich in fruits and vegetables, devoid of fat and cholesterol.He noted that his blood pressure was reduced by 5.5/3.0 mmHg.