The number of coronavirus patients in Germany has begun to rise again.The virus has also infected a center for the elderly in Berlin.
Corona Increase in European Countries
In the last two weeks, Germany, like other European countries, has seen an increase in the number of people infected with COD 19.The situation has caused a wave of concern among officials.
Meanwhile, all the elderly residents of a senior citizen's house in the German capital, Berlin, have contracted cod anis.Which is spread by the corona virus. Fifteen of the center's staff have also been diagnosed with the disease.
Shorf Hyde Senior Citizen House
Code 19 has been identified in the surveillance staff, including all residents of the Senior Citizens Center in Schrfhide, north of Berlin.The district health department has confirmed the outbreak of cod anis in the center.
People working at the center who have not been fully vaccinated are thought to have spread the corona virus to the center.On the other hand, all senior citizens have been vaccinated with both vaccines.The center houses 42 senior citizens and is supervised by 15 people.
Local Public Health Officer
Local public health officer Hayek Zander described the outbreak as disturbing and unfortunate.He clarified that the staff has not yet been provided with a full dose of the vaccine.
He also lamented that in a country like Germany, vaccination has not yet been made mandatory for the staff of care homes for the elderly.
Booster Needed
Klaus Reinhart, president of the German Medical Association, has called on the German government to make it mandatory for people aged 70 and over to be given a third dose of the corona vaccine.The risk of contracting codeine will be reduced.
According to Ryan Hart, the third dose of the vaccine should also be given to people who are at risk of contracting the virus.They say a third dose of the vaccine is needed to save the lives of people this age.
Leading German virologist Hendrik Ashtrick says that the elderly who live in a care house deserve more attention at the moment.He said that these places are open places for the attack of this virus and continuous testing of such elderly people is also necessary.
The German Situation
The Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases in Germany says the number of infections per 100,000 people in the country has risen to 145.1 in the past seven days.The rate was 139.2 last week.
According to the health sectors in Germany, 21,543 patients have been diagnosed with the virus in the last 24 hours across the country. One week ago, the number was 15,145.