Eating the wrong foods can have serious health consequences.Due to modern lifestyle, we are afflicted with many diseases.
- Diabetes
- Thyroid
- Blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Stones
Due to a little negligence in the ear, we are suffering from kidney stones.Many health experts recommend choosing the right diet to avoid kidney stone problems.
Special Diet to Avoid Kidney Stone Problems:
Today we are going to tell you some important things about the diet of kidney stones through this article.So that the problems caused by kidney stones can be avoided.
Diet Mantra Clinic's Dietitian Kamini Kumari says that you can't eradicate kidney stones through diet.
However, to avoid the problems of kidney stones, you are advised to take certain foods.Also, there are some foods that you are advised to avoid.
Let's find out.A diet rich in fiber for kidney stones.According to research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.Kidney stone patients want to include fiber-rich fruits and vegetables in their diet.
High-Fiber Diet:
Fiber can prevent kidney stones from getting into your body.
For this reason, health experts recommend eating a high-fiber diet in case of kidney stones.Keep in mind that a diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of kidney stones, but you cannot eradicate kidney stones from the root.
Herbal teas: Some ways to reduce the risks of kidney stones Herbs can be beneficial.
Asian Pacific Journal Research:
According to research in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases, horse seeds, green amaranth, grape leaves and fruits, natural ingredients like sugar beet and wild carrot can reduce kidney stones.
Also, drinking herbal decoctions and tea can reduce the risk of kidney stones.Less oxalate Fruits and vegetables According to the dietitian, more oxalate in the body can increase the risk of kidney stones.In this case, a low oxalate diet is considered good for our body.
Before adding any type of food to your diet, keep in mind that you need to include everything in your diet in a balanced amount.Apples, lettuce, pears, peas and watermelons are low oxalate foods.
Lemons Food:
Reduce the problem of kidney stones.Lemons are a lemon food, which helps you to avoid the problems of kidney stones.It has hidden properties to prevent the formation of rocks.
That way, adding lemons to your diet on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of stones as well as weight gain.
Cereals and beans:
By adding more grains and beans to your diet, you can stop the formation of kidney stones.
NCBI Research:
According to NCBI research, grains and beans are rich in phytates.Which are especially helpful in preventing the formation of kidney stones.In this case, kidney patients should include grains and beans in their diet.