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What is Corona Virus? || Completely Details


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Corona is a type of virus that causes infections in the nose, bones and throat.

Corona Virus is Dangerous:

In early 2020, following the Dec 2019 outbreak in China.The World Health Organization introduced a new strain of SARS-Covey 2.

Identified as the coronavirus.The spread of the virus spread rapidly throughout the world.

COVID-19 :

Covid 19 is a disease caused by a stork-cov2 that causes doctors to develop a respiratory tract infection.

It is spread just like any other corona virus, mainly through human-to-human contact Infection.


Stork cove-2 is one of seven types of corona viruses, including those in the Middle East.

Causes of serious illnesses such as Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Are formed. Other corona viruses mostly cause the common cold,which affects us throughout the year.

They are not a serious threat to other healthy people.

Does the Stork Cove 2 have multiple pressures?

It is normal for the virus to change because it affects people.Chinese 103 Covid 19 one of the cases studies have shown that the virus caused it to do so.

He found two tensions, which he named placed L and S.The S type is larger, but the L type was more common in the early stages of the spread.

How long will the corona virus last?

It is too early to say how long the epidemic will last.It depends on many things, including researchers work to learn more about the virus.Their search for a cure, vaccine deficiency and its spread to the public efforts to reduce symptoms of Covid 19.

Key Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling cold
  • Body aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion 
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

The virus can cause below problems,

  • Pneumonia
  • Pespiratory failure
  • Heart problems
  • Liver problems
  • Septic shock
  • Death

Many 19-COVID complications can be caused by a condition called cytokine release syndrome or this is called a cytokine storm.When an infection activates your immune system,so that your blood flow is called inflammatory proteins called cytokines.That tissue can kill and may damage your limbs.

If you notice the following severe symptoms in yourself or a loved one.

Seek medical help like below list:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Ongoing chest pain or pressure
  • New confusion
  • Not fully awake
  • Blue lips or face

Stroke has also been reported in some people with COVID 19.

Fast Remember this:

  • Is their smile on one side?
  • Weapons Is one arm weak or numb?
  • If they try to extend both arms, does one arm falter?
  • Speech Can they speak clearly? 
  • Ask them to repeat a sentence.

Time Every minute counts when someone shows signs of paralysis.

You quick to Call 911 help line.

If you are infected, symptoms may appear in 2 days or more than 14 days.From person to person I am different.

According to researchers in China, these people were the most common among those who had the same symptoms.

  • Fever 99
  • Fatigue 70%
  • Cough 59%
  • 40 Loss of appetite
  • Physical pain 35%
  • Shortness of breath 31 31
  • Sputum / sputum 27

Some people who are hospitalized for COVID 19 have blood in their legs, lungs and arteries.

There are also dangerous clots.

What if you think you have it?

Call a doctor if you have trouble breathing.You need to get medical help as soon as possible.

By calling the doctor will direct you to the appropriate place.Which is not your doctor's office may be.

If you do not have a regular doctor, contact your local Board of Health.They can tell you where to go for testing and treatment.

Follow your doctor's advice and continue on 19-COVID.Your doctor and health care officials information on how to take care of your needs and how to prevent the spread of the virus will get.

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