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Some Basic Health and lifestyle Tips For the New Year || Health Tips


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Our lifestyle and habits have a profound effect on our health and body.

Whatever your reason for staying active.

  • Losing weight
  • Gaining strength
  • Improving your overall fitness.
You have to make sure you are on the right track to success.

Some Basic Health and lifestyle Tips: 

Exercising regularly is very important to stay healthy and fit.While these words may frighten many people.The first step is to encourage them to turn their hobbies into a lifestyle and develop a fitness routine.

1. Exercise and Running:

Exercising and running daily removes toxins from the body through sweat and keeps the body healthy.Exercise and running make the muscles of the body stronger and stronger.It causes tightness in the skin.Which does not cause wrinkles.People who run and exercise daily are less likely to get sick.

2. Energy Drinks:

To maintain energy level in the body, start the day by drinking lukewarm water.

3. Green Tea and Black Tea:

The antioxidants present in green tea remove toxins from the body and reduce excess body fat.Green tea not only helps in weight loss but also relieves headaches.

Similarly, without sugar, black coffee has very few calories, while calcium and potassium are abundant.

4. Rest is Important as Exercise:

Good sleep is essential for good health.People who go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6pm feel refreshed throughout the day, as well as less stressed.

5. Eat The Right Food at Time to Time:

Decide what to eat and then act on it.Eat breakfast between 8am to 9am in the morning.lunch between 1pm-2pm and dinner between 7:30pm to 8:30pm in the evening.

Due to the long distance in between, you will start to feel hungry.Due to the large difference between lunch and dinner.You can have a light breakfast between 4pm to 5 pm.

6. Give Importance to Sports in Yor Life:

Nowadays, people take children to the gaming area available in the mall.Where they are entertained, but physical and mental development is not possible.

Early children preferred to play outside rather than at home.Which helped them to develop better physically and mentally.

Sports like;

  •  Cricket
  • Badminton
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Kabaddi 
These sports are good for overall development.

7. Stay With Family For 1 to 2 Hour Daily.

Give 1 to 2 hour a day to family.When you spend time with family members.You are able to share your heartfelt feelings with them and understand them.So spend 1 to 2 hour a day with your family.

8. Laughing :

Laughter is good for health.Laughter not only reduces stress but also cures many ailments.Laugh at yourself as well as others.Laughter helps maintain good blood circulation.During laughter, oxygen also reaches the body in large quantities.

9. Vegetables and Fruits:

On the other hand, eating fruits and vegetables protects against cancer, on the other hand, reduces the risk of heart disease.They contain vitamins A, C, antioxidants and minerals along with fiber.Which makes you feel fit and active.

10. Don't Smoke & Others Same Elements:

The toxins in cigarettes cause wrinkles on the skin and make a person look old prematurely.Due to smoking, the body lacks oxygen.Which makes the skin lifeless.

Not only this, smoking also affects fertility.So if you want to live a healthy and long life, quit smoking today.

11. Spend Some Time Alone Every Day:

Spending half an hour alone every day gives a person a chance to understand himself.Not only that, people can think of things alone.Which will help them make the right decision.Those who spend time alone are calmer and happier than those who do not spend time alone.

12. Body and House Cleaning:

Our health depends on the cleanliness of our body as well as the cleanliness of our home and surroundings.Whether it is hot or cold.You should take a bath daily and after bathing, sit in the sun and apply cannabis oil on your body.Doing so will save you from many diseases.

13. Wash Your Hands Before Eating:

Throughout the day, we don't know how many things are touched.Which causes countless bacteria to stick to our hands.If we eat food without washing our hands, bacteria enter our body with the food.Which makes us sick.

14. Brushing Teeth Before Going to Bed:

Remember to brush your teeth at night to keep it healthy.It also helps to remove plaque that causes bacteria in the teeth.You clean your teeth 2 to 3 time in a day.

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