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Get your kids ready for the future

<img src="Children Skills.jpg" alt="Life Skills for Children" />

Schools,Colleges and University may be closed for a long time now.Children now have to stay at home under parental supervision for long periods of time.

Get your kids ready for the future,Both physically, mentally and spiritually.


Teach them different languages Urdu, English and Arabic, make them fully aware of Islamic history and civilization.

Learn Skills :

You must teach your children skills.Some handicrafts that will keep them busy and which will help them in the future.

  • The King Sultan Abdul Hamid was a carpenter.His wooden furniture is still safe today.
  • The Sultan Suleiman used to make jewelry.
  • King Aurangzeb used to write the Holy Quran.

You must train your children physically and mentally to be able to endure difficult and unfavorable conditions.

Such as training as a!

  •  Boy scout
  • Cadet
  • Camping in the forest
  • Lighting a fire
  • Cooking
  • Hunting
  • Wield a weapon

Nowadays our children have become very relaxed and vulnerable.In the past our entire education system also taught children skills along with religion and literature.All Muslims had specific skills in their hands and worked by hand.

Field Skills:

Some field skills here !

  • Work of iron
  • Some make wood
  • Some make cloth
  • Some make leather
  • Some do poultry
  • Some do herding
  • Some do farming

The time ahead is a time of difficulties and wars, prepare your children for it.

Many people still think that the world will go back to the old way.You come to your senses, the world has changed.Now the world will never go back to the old way.

Now we have stepped into the world of the Antichrist.How a single corona has turned.

Further tribulations will be even more severe and this is not a fictitious thing.On the one hand, all the circumstances are before our eyes and on the other hand.

The news of all these circumstances has been given to us by Afzal Rasul Sarkar, two scholars of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).All this will continue to happen.Now only those who have to be vigilant, will adopt wisdom and faith and action will survive.

Therefore, faith, physical, spiritual, nervous strength is very important.If you want to survive and avoid all these temptations.Then just wake up ..!

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