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Joe Biden Called the Riots a Coup || Washington DC


<img src="Joe Biden.jpg" alt="Joe Biden" />

Washington: US President-elect Joe Biden has said that there was no protest outside the US Parliament and that Trump was responsible for the coup.

Addressing the nation, he said that the sanctity of the vote was trampled on by today's incident and the protesters should leave Capitol Hill immediately.He said the drama of the protests was not a true representation of the American people.

What kind of protest is this? 

He said that today is the darkest day in American history and the incident damaged American democracy.

The former president likened the attack on Capitol Hill to the Kubanari public.He said that controversial elections are held in public.

The former president said disputed elections do not take place in a democratic country like the United States.Some Republican allies used fuel to quell the protests.

UA Senator Says:

Opposing US President Donald Trump, US Senator Lance Graham said, "Enough is enough. Don't think Donald Trump is with me now.

He said Biden and Camilla Harris were legally elected leaders.Joe Biden and Camilla Harris will become US president and vice president on January 20.

Defending the protests, US President Donald Trump said such incidents occur when the people are kept away from their election victory.For a long time, the rights of patriotic Americans have been violated.

Donald Trump's Tweet:

He tweeted that the protesters should go home peacefully and remember the day.

Following such a tweet from the US President, Twitter removed Trump's tweet and Facebook also blocked Trump's account for 24 hours.

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