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Trump's Election Fraud || The United States is Facing a Military Crisis


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Observers say the United States is in danger of a systemic crisis, as US President Donald Trump is still trying to end his electoral defeat by threatening Georgia's Foreign Secretary Brad Raffinsperger just days before the formal vote count. Are doing From Electoral College

Chinese analysts said Monday that while challenges from Trump and Republican politicians may not affect the final outcome, they do undermine the US electoral system and the authority of Western democracies.

Washington Released an Audio:

According to an audio recording released by the Washington Post, Trump flattered the Republican, Raffinsperger, begged and threatened to get 11,780 votes [Biden won by 11,779 votes in Georgia] ۔

Carl Bernstein, a veteran journalist who uncovered the 1972 Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of then-President Richard Nixon, recently called Trump a "subversive president" of the electoral system. Is willing to undermine and try to act illegally, inappropriately and immorally "to provoke a revolt," the Huff Post reported.

Regarding the involvement of the armed forces, former U.S. defense secretaries on Sunday jointly announced their opposition to Trump's attempts to influence the election.Calling the United States "dangerous, non-existent," according to CNN. Legal and unconstitutional territory.

The Washington Post, some US legal experts have called Trump's move a "textbook of electoral fraud."

Chinese Experts:

Chinese experts who reached out to the Global Times said that the architects of the US system could not be expected to have Trump's presidency there.Which would do great damage to the entire system.

However, it cannot be assumed that the American system cannot be restored after Trump leaves the White House, because Trump is a reflection of the American crisis, not just a cause.

The way the current system is designed is not able to cope with the changing situation.The separation of powers and the parties have failed to fully reflect the different interests.Whether the Supreme Court can make a reasonable decision is also in doubt.

Has become a question.The director of the Institute of International Affairs at Renmin University in China described the plight of the United States.

Wang said the benefits of globalization vary from state to state in the United States, from the other coast to the interior, from New England to Sunbilt.This gap intensifies industry, race and class conflicts.Which explains the selection of Biden's cabinet members and minimizes contradictions at the surface.

Chinese Research Fellow Lu Jiang:

Lu Jiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times on Monday that the "constitutional crisis".Which was widely discussed in the US media during the campaign last year, was a harsh word.

Yes, and there is no sign of a nationwide upheaval yet, but the current situation in the United States suggests that the transition to power will be "invasive."

Republican Senators of USA:

Challenges initiated by Republican senators and lawmakers in the House will extend the process but will not affect the outcome.But the biggest loss to the American political system is that all the stains during and after the election deprive other countries of confidence in the consistency and credibility of American policy-making.

At least 12 GOP senators, a quarter of Senate Republicans, announced plans Wednesday to challenge the election of U.S.President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College, according to U.S. media outlet Politico.

America's "system benefits" in the past may not always be in line with the new environment.Without adjustment, Wang said, it is impossible to move forward and could lead to internal divisions.

Foreign Ministry of China:

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokes woman Hua Chunying suggested to the Global Times at a press conference on Monday that a referendum be held on how the Chinese people view the United States.He was responding to a question on Monday about the State Department's latest baseless allegations that the Communist Party of China "violates the rule of international law."

Global Times Poll:

In a poll released by Global Times in December, 65.6 percent of respondents found the Trump administration "offensive." while more than 70 percent believe that China has the maximum advantage over the United States.

In the wake of US interference in China's domestic affairs in Taiwan, Xinjiang and Hong Kong, 81.7% of the approximately 2,000 Chinese participants in China's 16 largest cities took a "strongly opposed" stance.

Most Chinese view the US presidential election 2020 as "a low-quality talk show" rather than an opportunity to learn something developed from the West.As more and more people think the US system trusts its elected leaders.Unable to create and maintain.

Analysts say they have refrained from making dangerous and irrational decisions to the detriment of the country and the world.

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