Asperger Syndrome Demystified: Symptoms, Traits, and Essential Information
Asperger syndrome, one of the subheadings of pervasive developmental disorder , is a lifelong diagnosis that emerges in childhood. The syndrome is characterized by difficulty in social relationships and isolated special interests. Individuals with Asperger have minimal communication disorders and problems in establishing mutual relationships.
Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger made this definition. After defining the medical diagnosis, the professor named it “Autistic Psychopathy”. Later, the World Health Organization defined it as “Asper Syndrome”.
Professor Asperger examined children who have difficulty socializing with their peers, who have inadequate gestures despite their skills, who cannot empathize, and who have unusual interests in this clinical picture. This clinical picture is seen 3 to 6 times more in boys than in girls. At the same time, a child must be at least five years old to be diagnosed with Asperger.
In fact, in some clinical pictures, the diagnosis is not made until the school years. Because characteristic features and behaviors emerge between the ages of 8 and 10.
What are the Causes of Asperger Syndrome?
The exact cause of Asperger syndrome , which is diagnosed in childhood, is not yet known. However, scientists have conducted many etiological studies on the diagnosis. These include brain imaging studies, family studies, genetic studies and relational factors.
According to the studies, it is certain that the syndrome does not develop in the context of psychological and social factors. Relational factors include elements in the pregnancy and birth process.
Asperger can cause conditions such as mobility, attention deficit, thought and mood disorders. When we look at it, the harmony of an individual with Asperger with the environment is completely related to his mood.
What are the symptoms of Asperger Syndrome?
Asperger syndrome symptoms vary depending on the period in which it is classified.
Symptoms in early childhood: While he enjoys being alone in infancy, on the contrary, there are behaviors such as crying a lot, having difficulty sleeping and having difficulty settling down. He starts walking late. He has difficulty especially in gross motor movements. This child, whose language development is normal, starts using long sentences after the age of three. He is not the initiator of the communication process. He has little or no interest in his peers. The child, who creates more personal spaces, exhibits mature and knowledgeable attitudes. He acquires talent and skills in areas he is oriented to at a very early age.
Symptoms in early school years: Asperger's is usually diagnosed in these years. This is because children's social behaviors emerge during school age. Naturally, in these years when social expectations are evident, the signs and symptoms of Asperger syndrome become more apparent. These are;
- Social difficultiesD
- ifficulty with nonverbal communicationL
- ack of control of motor movementsA
- bnormalities in language and speech
- Narrow and limited areas of interest
Symptoms during adolescence: Symptoms in Asperger individuals are less common during adolescence than during childhood. The main reason for this is that learning and cognitive comprehension are developed.
However, despite this, behaviors such as poor personal hygiene and neglect can be seen in the individual. While some individuals are uncomfortable even washing, some have the behavior of washing several times a day.
How Is It Diagnosed?
When diagnosing Asperger syndrome , the doctor compares the signs and symptoms observed in the individual with the necessary scientific criteria. First of all, there must be at least two qualitative findings regarding the social interaction disorder that manifests itself.
For example, inability to socialize with peers, inability to give social or emotional responses, etc. Another criterion is that the individual's behaviors are within the stereotypical limits that create repetitive patterns. These behaviors express Asperger symptoms and findings.
This syndrome is a diagnosis that affects the individual's personal and social life. It is very important to identify functional differences in individual and social areas and to make correct classifications.
Asperger Syndrome Treatment
Pharmacotherapy or non-pharmacological treatments are used in the treatment of Asperger syndrome , which is a developmental disorder. If there are no symptoms requiring medication in this syndrome, the doctor usually resorts to psychotherapeutic methods. The aim here is to use various educational modules. Because Asperger individuals are interested and curious in areas outside the norm. They narrow down to these areas and gain serious skills and abilities.
In fact, it is a fact that many scientists and artists in the world have this syndrome. For this very reason, the individual should be supported to devel