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China's Growing Space Power Will Bring Rocks From The Moon || Space warfare

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China Space Power Strategy 


Led by its military, is spending billions of dollars to expand its space program and wants to build a space station.Where astronauts can be stationed by 2012.Similarly, Chinese astronauts want to step on the moon. 

The main purpose of the mission is to collect rock samples from the moon and bring them to Earth to help scientists learn about the moon's origin, surface, formation and volcanic activity.

 China launched the Long March Five rocket to the moon from its southern island of Hainan on Tuesday morning.The rocket is named after the Chinese moon goddess.The unmanned Chinese spacecraft will reach the moon by next Sunday. 

If the mission succeeds, China will become the third country in the world to achieve such a success.After the United States and the former Soviet Union.The United States and the Soviet Union launched their own space missions to the moon in the 1960s and 1970s.

The back of the moon, what is China's plan?

The space mission was scheduled to launch in 2017.But was delayed due to technical problems. This Chinese mission will collect samples from there on a full moon day.One day of the moon is equal to fourteen days of the earth.

According to the US space agency NASA.Only one capsule will reach Earth on its return and land in the northern Mongolia region of China in early December.

Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics, said the mission was using state-of-the-art technology. Attempts are being made to obtain samples that are unprecedented in the past.

China's mission will be the first in the world to bring such a large and diverse model.

A / B C (AFP, AP)

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