Russia's President Vladimir Putin has said that the West is responsible for the recent refugee crisis and that Belarus cannot be blamed for it.Polish police have found the body of another slain refugee.The death toll has risen to nine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in a recent statement that the West is responsible for the refugee crisis and that it is not right to blame Belarus.The Russian president has linked the refugee crisis to the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Bitter words exchanged between European countries and Russia in the Security Council.
The European Union is preparing to impose new sanctions on Belarus and its President Alexander Lukashenko.Refugees watching across the Polish border.
Exclusive Interview with Russian President
In an interview with state television, Putin raised the question of whether Belarus was the source of the refugee crisis.He clarified that this is not true but the West is responsible for this crisis and European countries are also involved in it.
Putin was referring to the armed conflicts and wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.Which involved the United States and its European allies.
Refugee crisis on Poland-Belarus border
Russia is an ally and supporter of President Bashar al-Assad's government in the Syrian armed conflict.He said that the refugees in Belarus were from war-torn areas and that it was important to remember that Belarus had nothing to do with the crisis.
According to the Russian president, it is a fact that these migrants have chosen the route to reach the European Union from Belarus because the countries they belong to are allowed visa-free entry into that country.
The Russian president accused the Polish security forces of continuing to intimidate the refugees by beating them up and firing bullets from their heads.
He added that the Polish border guards, in addition to lighting bright lights at the border, also repeatedly sounded sirens.Which has created uneasiness among the people gathered at the border.
Route from Iraq to Belarus, how do refugees get to Europe?
Putin questioned the extent to which Western nations are aware of their rights policies.Which are not visible on the Polish border.
Refugees on the Belarusian border wait for food from aid organizations.
Putin made it clear in his interview that he wanted to tell everyone that he had nothing to do with the refugee crisis, which the Western nations have imposed on him for no apparent reason.He also denied that Russian airlines were involved in transporting the refugees to Minsk.
In his statement, the Russian president expressed hope that soon President Lukashenko and German Chancellor Angela Merkel would discuss the crisis.It is significant that Russia is a supporter and ally of President Lukashenko and his country, Belarus.
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President Vladimir Putin's interview will be broadcast on Russian television on Sunday, November 14.
The body of a young Syrian
Polish police have seized the body of a young Syrian man from a tree on the Belarusian border.This is another death on the eastern border of the European Union.
Vigilant Polish border guard standing across the barbed wire.
According to Polish police, the body of the Syrian was found to be in his early twenties and was found in a clump of trees in the border village of Wolka Terechowska.The Syrian body has already send for autopsy to determine the cause of death.
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So far, the number of refugees killed trying to reach the European Union from Belarus has risen to nine.The Minsk government has been sending thousands of refugees to the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia for months.Most of these refugees are from the chaotic countries of the Middle East, Syria and Iraq.
(Reuters, AP)