According to a new report on gender equality in the European Union, the results of the efforts made in this regard in recent years have been very unsatisfactory.The EU's average score in the new Gender Equality Index was 68 out of 100.
It could take many more generations for the EU to reach the goal of real gender equality.
According to the report, the success rate of efforts to ensure gender equality in the European Union.Which includes more than two dozen countries, has remained the same as in recent years.The block will take many more generations.
Women should be given equality in decision making, UN
In the Gender Equality Index released this year by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the European Union scored an average of only 68 points out of a maximum of 100.
At a comparative level, this means that in the Union member states as a whole, the index improved by only 0.6% last year and the progress rate in the last 11 years has been less than 5%.
Real gender equality is still three generations away
According to the latest EIGE report, “The journey towards the goal of gender equality in the European Union is improving at a rate of just one per cent every two years.This means that it will take about three more generations for the bloc to reach its ultimate goal of gender equality at the current pace. ”
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The report added: "The global epidemic of COD 19 has not only slowed the pace of progress in this area in the European Union, but has also jeopardized the critical achievements made over the years." Have done. "
The reason for the decline in the pace of gender equality
Releasing the report, Carlene Shell, director of the European Institute for Gender Equality, said the improvement in the sector has been unsatisfactory over the years.
According to him, one of the reasons for this is that it is taking longer than men for women to recover from the effects of the global Corona virus, which has caused untold economic losses.
In addition, gender inequality is very high in leadership positions.The number of women holding very influential and powerful positions in the European Union is still much lower than that of men.
Carlin Shell said that in the European Union, as in other parts of the world.The practical inequality that women face compared to men is also evident, especially in the areas of employment and health.
There is also a clear gulf between European countries
According to the report, the three EU member states are ahead of all other member states in terms of gender equality.These countries are Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands.Their scores in the latest European Index of Gender Equality were 84, 78 and 76 out of 100, respectively, well above the bloc's overall average.
In contrast, the three countries with the worst gender equality are Greece, Hungary and Romania.Greece is at the bottom of the list of EU member states with a score of just 2.5.
Germany not only outperformed the European average with 8.6 points in the index, but also proved to be a country where the gender equality index has improved by six points since 2010.