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Corona's global epidemic and The Great Rejection

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 The global epidemic of corona has upset the balance of employment and life, especially in the United States.That's not me, but researchers around the world say.

 Studies show that in 2021, a record number of people resigned from their jobs.Anthony Clotz, an organizational psychologist at Texas A&M University in the United States, called the mass resignations of people in the United States and several European countries "The Great Regression".Which is now in use.

Job Market Crises 

 Wars, economic crises, natural disasters and epidemics result in job market crises, but also increase job opportunities.Fed up with the chaos in society, economic problems and psychological confusion.People go in search of a better life and a better job.

 It shows that our jobs give us a sense of accomplishment or success.  Which is why we are always looking for the best to move forward.Especially when the society is going through some kind of crisis.We unwittingly worry about our status and future in the society.

 Is this the main reason for the Great Rejection or something else?

 Economists are still investigating why so many people are leaving their jobs.Are people angry that they have been working on the same salary for many years?

 Perhaps, because of the family and economic pressures on parents from school closures.The loss of business, the shifting of population to different locations and industries and the fear of the virus.It has certainly played a role in the Great Recession.

At the same time, the experience of working remotely or from home has forced most people to change their lives and the way they see the world.

Millions Peoples Lost There Jobs

 It also demonstrates how our personal and collective experiences affect our economic choices.

 According to the US Bureau of Statistics, four million people lost their jobs in April 2012, compared to 3.9 million in May.

 As far as the effects of epidemics are concerned, a German researcher predicts that the effects of work from home.Remote education and other social and economic changes will continue to affect the choices of our lives long after the end of the corona virus.Most of us will keep changing jobs in search of a new and better life.

 Job resignation and psychological pressure

 In my opinion, psychological stress is the biggest and most important reason for great rejection.Under the pressure of the office environment and managers treating their employees badly.As well as the concept of job description disappears.The pressure of work and this is why people resign from their jobs even when salaries are not increased.There are important reasons.

 In many offices, the work-from-home experience not only put pressure on older employees to work, but also to learn and use technology properly.Many former employees also resigned because they could not work in this environment.

US Officials Reports 

 According to US officials, the number of women resigning in the United States is the highest since the global epidemic.Men gained 194,000 jobs during September 2011.While 300,000 women resigned.

 The same trend was seen in the eastern countries.In my opinion, if women are given all the facilities in employment that are given in developed societies.Such as paid holidays, bonuses, day care centers, etc., then the number of resignations of women can be reduced.

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