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Taliban interview to Israeli media, What are the Facts

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Photo: Photo of Sohail Shaheen taken from Cannes News TV screen

Sohail Shaheen interview to Israeli TV

Taliban spokesman Sohail Shaheen gave an interview to Israeli TV yesterday in which he spoke about Afghanistan's comprehensive foreign policy.Upon learning the facts from Sama Digital.It was revealed that Sohail Shaheen was unaware that he was talking to an Israeli media.

Cannes Reporter Ravi Qais

Sohail Shaheen told Cannes reporter Ravi Qais that the rights of minorities in Afghanistan would be protected during the Taliban era.He has given the same assurance for the protection of carpet trader Zabulon Semantov.Who has been called "the last Jew of Afghanistan".

How was the interview conducted by Israel?

Can News is a division of the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation and the country's third largest newscasting brand.

However, it is broadcast only in Hebrew, which is why it is not well known internationally.For this reason, when reporter Rui Qais contacted Taliban spokesman Sohail Shaheen, he benefited.

The Times of Israel says Shaheen was interviewed on the phone and did not realize he was talking to Israeli TV.

Kan News also admitted that he did not reveal his identity to a Taliban spokesman.

According to the Times of Israel, Rois Qais admitted that "we presented ourselves as the Cannes news channel, but we did not insist that we are an Israeli media outlet".

Kan News Israeli Media 

Kan News has presented an audio interview in a report which shows various footage of Taliban spokesman Sohail Shaheen talking on different TV stations.Management confirms that Sehil Shaheen has personally given an interview to Kan News.

In his tweet, Sohail Shaheen said that he had not interviewed anyone who introduced himself as being from the Israeli media.

The Law Does Not Mean Death

The interview has sparked controversy on social media, with some people making various allegations against Taliban spokesman Sohail Shaheen.

According to an interview with Cannes News, Sohail Shaheen said that people should not be afraid and should not run away because enforcing Sharia law does not mean killing people but it means peace and stability.

Sohail Shaheen said the Taliban wanted to ensure that lives and property were protected in Afghanistan and that everyone lived a normal life.He said he did not understand why people were fleeing Kabul when they should remain peaceful.

The Last Afghan Jew

Asked about the last Afghan Jew, a Taliban spokesman said: "I don't know the last Jew, but we are not harming minorities.There are Sikhs and Hindus in the country who can practice their religion.

It has nothing to do with Hamas

Israeli officials fear that the Taliban's victory in Afghanistan will encourage other Islamist groups in the Gaza Strip, such as Hamas.Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is reportedly seen on social media meeting with Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.Hamas has congratulated the Taliban on capturing Kabul.

Sohail Shaheen has made it clear that the Taliban has nothing to do with Hamas.If they congratulate us on our independence and return to power.That's fine, but we have no cooperation with Hamas in any area.We have only gained power in Afghanistan.

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