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Mistakes of several organizations to the terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market

<img src="Berlin" alt="terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market">

The terrorist attack that killed 16 people at a Christmas market in Berlin in 2016 was caused by the mistakes of several security agencies.The announcement was made by the Inquiry Committee of the German House of Representatives on August 9.

Muslim terrorist Anis Amri, who killed 16 people in a 2016 attack on a Christmas market in Berlin, was in police custody before the operation.In the aftermath of this bloody attack, many people are asking how the terrorist managed to attack the Christmas market if the police had suspicions about Anis Amri and were keeping an eye on him.

Federal German Parliament Final Report 

To find out the answer to this question, the Committee of Inquiry of the House of Representatives of the Federal German Parliament presented its final report on Monday, August 9, after an investigation.The report acknowledges that the 2016 attack on Berlin's Christmas market was in fact the fault of several security agencies.

Stephen Lance, chairman of the committee and a politician with the Christian Democratic Union CDU, said in a statement that "there is no one party responsible for this.Nor is it the fault of any one individual who caused the terrorist attack".

However, the German politician said that many mistakes were made together, including those related to the criminal police and the protection of the constitution."These mistakes and omissions resulted in the 2016 terrorist attack," he said.

The Final Mistake

The report of the inquiry in the Federal Parliamentary Committee of Germany also said that the most decisive thing was that Anis Amri, a Tunisian asylum seeker, was not properly examined or considered.It may be recalled that Amri's application for political asylum had been rejected.Although Amri was considered more violent and more dangerous, he has not been closely monitored by security agencies since the summer of 2016, nor has the State Criminal Office identified Amri as an "explosive threat".

Berlin attack: Where is the asylum seeker after his release?

Proceedings of the Inquiry Committee

The committee investigating the Amri case has interviewed 97 witnesses in 67 sessions or meetings over a period of four years, including the prosecution of the Constitutional Court, several officers of the Criminal Police Department and politicians.The report that followed this long and detailed inquiry is 1235 pages long.It also includes special opinions and statements from various political factions in the federal parliament.The role of the German Federal Criminal Police Office in the investigation was also examined in detail.After which the report said that all agencies had acted with a misunderstanding and misconception about Amri.

Amri's case is being investigated by the House of Representatives Inquiry Committee in the German Federal Parliament.

Problems before the attack

One of the main reasons given for the terrorist attacks by Amri after a four-year investigation is that the Federal Office for Combating Muslim Extremism and Terrorism in Germany.There is a shortage of manpower.It is alleged that information provided by the ambassador to Hussein.

In addition, there was insufficient discussion between Berlin and the state offices of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the western province of North Rhine-Westphalia to protect the Constitutional Court and the Berlin prosecutor's office.Insufficient arrangements were made.

The attack sent shockwaves through Berlin

The report said that Anis Amri should have been closely monitored at all times and his telephone calls and chats should have been monitored at all times.

In addition, in 2016, the State Office for Counter-Terrorism (LKA) focused its summer investigations on the events and scenes of far-left extremism.

Germany's Counter-Terrorism Center

It should be noted that Germany's new counter-terrorism center will start its work in 2022 and 2023.The police department will receive 60 million euros to buy new vehicles, weapons and safety uniforms.

In addition, the IT department of the German Federal Police will be modernized.

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