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Medical personnel and Patients in war-torn countries are also targeted |WHO

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Web Desk - The World Health Organization says more than 700 health workers and patients were killed and more than 2,000 injured and hundreds of health centers destroyed in conflict-torn countries between 2018 and 2020.

A reports from Genoa that a three-year survey of 14 conflict-affected countries has revealed that the health sector is under constant attack.The countries surveyed include Ethiopia, Yemen, Syria, Mozambique, the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Myanmar.

World Health Organization (WHO)

The World Health Organization has recorded 588 attacks this year in 14 countries, killing 114 health workers and patients and injuring 278.

Altaf Mousavi, director of the World Health Organization's Department of Health Emergencies Intervention, says the implications are significant and shocking, especially in the current crisis of the coronavirus.

He said that not only the mental health of the health workers has been affected in such situations, but also their motivation to work has been declining.At the same time, resources are not available to deal with this health crisis.

WHO Department Director 

Mousavi says that just one incident has long-term effects on the entire system, and when a health worker is killed or injured.It becomes very difficult to replace him with a health worker.

In his words, in these turbulent times, the whole system is in disarray and it could take years to get it right.Managing multiple financial resources is a different matter.

He said that special attention needs to be paid to the safety of health workers especially in this time of global epidemic.Hospitals and medical centers must be established and maintained.Every effort should be made to maintain the important facilities for health care.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on all warring parties in conflict-ridden countries to take special care to protect all health-related services and to create the conditions for health workers to perform their duties safely.There is a need to provide these workers, who work on an emergency basis, with the opportunity to serve without fear or favor.

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