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Germany will not Repeat 2015 Refugee Policy, CDU

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The German government has made it clear that the 2015 refugee policy will not be repeated.Germany, on the other hand, plans to evacuate 10,000 Afghans.

Deutschland Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel

Paul Semeik, secretary general of the Christian Democratic Union, a political party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, has said that given the current situation in Afghanistan.There is no possibility of repeating the 2015 refugee policy.

Berlin government Give Asylum 

Meanwhile, the Berlin government has made it clear that up to 10,000 Afghan citizens will be deported and given asylum.According to Chancellor Merkel, these are the people who had cooperated with the German army or in any case had a relationship.The meeting of the Christian Democratic Party expressed deep concern over the current situation in Afghanistan.

Evacuation of people from Kabul, German military mission under discussion.

2015 Refugee Policy

Significantly, German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened her borders in 2015 to refugees fleeing conflict zones for some time.In this context, the leading leader and secretary general of the Christian Democratic Party.Paul Semiek, has openly stated that the 2015 refugee policy will not be repeated under any circumstances and the door will not be opened for foreign refugees.

In 2015, more than a million refugees entered Germany

Paul Semeik expressed these views at a party meeting in Berlin on Monday, August 16.In an interview with German television, he said that Germany did not have a solution to the Afghan conflict, nor did it have to open its borders to refugees.

The Position of the Green Party

Analina Beerbok, leader of Germany's Green Party, a pro-environmental political party, said in a statement that the Berlin government should repatriate at least 10,000 Afghans.Who have cooperated with the country's military or NATO forces.Or performed the duties of an interpreter.

A similar statement has been made by the German Chancellor.He told his party's CDU meeting to focus on evacuating them as they were facing difficult times.

Assistance in the evacuation of Afghan citizens

Angela Merkel also said at the party meeting that she would co-operate with countries that provide shelter or assistance to those displaced from Afghanistan.He added that in recent times, the issue of shelter for such people would be a priority.

German Defense Minister

At the same meeting, German Defense Minister Ingrid Kramp Karin Bauer said that the German government has deployed special commandos and with their help the evacuation of Afghan citizens will be completed.He also said that the evacuation of as many civilians as the army could complete under favorable conditions would be done.He added that it all depends on the US desire to keep Kabul Airport open for how long.

Election and Chancellor Candidates

Green Party leader Analina Beerbok is running for chancellor in her party's parliamentary elections in September this year.lncumbent Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced her resignation following the September election. 

His party's CDU candidate for the post is Armin Lashit.Who is currently the Chief Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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