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Chinese Secret Prison in Dubai, Prisoner Claims

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A Chinese woman has claimed that she was kept in a secret Chinese detention center in Dubai for eight days.If confirmed, it could be the first evidence of secret detention centers in foreign countries.

Dubai ,China Secret Prison Cell 

Wu Han's fiance, 26, is considered a pervert.She was hiding in order to avoid extradition to Chinese authorities when she was apprehended from a hotel in Dubai.Wu Han claims that he was detained by Chinese authorities in a bungalow for eight days.Speaking to the Associated Press.

She also said that at least two Uighur Muslims were also imprisoned at the site, whose voices she could only hear.He is accused of intimidating, threatening and forcing her to sign legal documents alleging that her fianc was harassing her.According to Wu Han, he was released on June 8 after fulfilling his demands and is now seeking asylum in the Netherlands.

Detention Center (Black Sites)

Such detention centers or 'black sites' are common in China, but this is the first case of such locations outside of China.It is also important to note that this has not been confirmed by independent sources.If this allegation is true, then it is proof that China is using its influence at the international level to target deviant workers.

Uighur Muslims and corruption suspects and use such tactics to repatriate them.Are being used. 'Black sites' are informal prisons in which defendants are not prosecuted or even formally charged.Legal requirements are not taken into account in such places.

The Associated Press could not confirm Wu Han's allegations, nor did it identify the location of the alleged detention center.

Chinese Official 

However, reporters heard the stamps on his passport and the recordings on the phone.Which reinforce his claim.In the recording, a Chinese official can be heard questioning him.

Chinese Foreign Ministry

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has denied the allegations.The spokesman issued a formal statement on Monday, while the Chinese consulate in Dubai declined to comment.Dubai Police and the Foreign Ministry were also contacted for comment, but no response was received.

There are about one million Uighur Muslim prisoners in China's northern province of Xinjiang.China has called them "educational centers" and dismissed reports of "injustices and human rights abuses" as baseless.The situation described by hundreds of Uighur Muslims contradicts the Chinese position.

It is also a fact that the Chinese government continues to bring back not only Uighurs but also political critics, corrupt politicians and deviant workers to China.

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