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Australian Scientists Claim to have Discovered an Effective Treatment for Parkinson's

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Web Desk - Researchers in Australia have developed a new type of moisturizer or cream.Which is claimed to help treat tremors or Parkinson's disease.In addition, the drug is said to be effective in treating stroke.

Researchers Reports about Parkinson's 

Phil Mercer, a Voice of America correspondent in Sydney, reports that there is no cure for Parkinson's.The report says that the disease progresses over time and the patient's disability increases.It is related to the nerve cells of the brain.Australian scientists hope the new cream they have developed could be effective in treating the disease.

According to researchers, this hydrogel is made from natural amino acids.Immunoacids make proteins in the human body.This hydrogel replaces dysfunctional brain cells with new ones.It is said that these new nerve cells start working just like the old ones.

What's Scientists Said about Disease 

Scientists say that this cream actually acts as a safe means of transporting stem cells to the brain.They believe that this process restores damaged tissues and at the same time replaces the lost neurons with new ones.The part of the brain where these tissues and neurons stop working is the part that causes Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's is a neurological disorder that affects more than 100,000 people in Australia alone.

David Nesbitt, a professor at the National College of Health and Medicine at the University of Australia, is leading the study, saying that when a stroke strikes, a large number of cells die due to blood clots.

Parkinson's disease also causes a large number of nerve cells to fail.Which is why we observe the physical symptoms of tremors.

According to the scientists, in this new research we are basically creating new cells in the brain to replace these defective cells.Sometimes they are repaired and activated, in addition to which new cells also start to be born.An additional benefit when we apply this cream to the brain is that it protects the healthy cells around the affected cells.

Researchers Report about Cream Injected 

The researchers said that the cream is injected into the solution.Which reaches the brain and turns into jelly.It is transmitted to the part of the brain that causes Parkinson's or stroke.These stem cells have the ability to replace the affected neurons with healthy nerve cells.

Professor Nasbet believes that the initial results of this study are very encouraging.He says experiments on animals have shown that the fully formed natural hydrogel has successfully improved bodily movements and symptoms and reduced or stopped shaking them.

Scientists also say that in the future, the technology could be used to treat injured knees and shoulders.

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