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The reality and status of the common man || Important Tech

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 It is more important for the common man to understand these factors than the special ones that Pakistan is going through today.There are many factors that degrade the country and the nation, but the common man is also a major contributor to these factors.Until the common man will not acknowledge this fact.The country cannot move towards progress and prosperity. 

Let the greatest good, honest and benevolent leader of the poor come.The condition of the country and the nation is not going to change. 

For the first time, the common man has to take the lead in pointing out the direction, because in 72 years.Its reality and status have been eroded. 

First of all, we have to understand that this is our country and this The Constitution of India gives equal rights to all citizens, but does the common man have any idea,

  • what are the real motives behind this most difficult situation?
  • What positive role did the common man have to play in these factors?

 Although it was not only a matter of his destiny but also the destiny of future generations, but every citizen put his personal interests and desires first.These are the real motives for our destruction.

Common Man Understand These Things

  • First of all, an ordinary citizen should understand that no leader or political party will lead our country towards development.
  • So we should not be a tool of any political party.
  • We are citizens of an independent country.
  • We are not slaves to anyone.
  • We have to live our lives in such a way that no one can mislead us.
  • There is no doubt that there is misery and hardship in the country, but we should not be afraid of it. 
  • The chapters are replete with examples where nations have exalted themselves by mere willpower, energy, action and greatness.

Common Man Two Principles 

We move on to the captivating turmoil of individualism and slavish thinking, by ending this practice.One should be attracted towards the acquisition of knowledge and work.

Justice and equality are the two principles of success and development, but the Brahmins in power today are against both principles.Because if the rulers adhere to these two principles, their interests will be lost.So we all have to become Pakistanis, Allah Almighty has blessed us with innumerable blessings.We can only be truthful.It requires courage and hard work in good faith.

No matter how many leaders or priests of power have been playing with the country's destiny and public sentiments.Does the common man not understand the small thing of how the people, 

who are the interpreters of these vested interest leaders and who are tens of years old?

Are defending the mistakes of the people.Every moment is tried to make us believe that there is no one more benevolent than us.No one thinks more than us for the welfare of the people and the betterment of the country.The reality is the opposite All these political "arts" in the name of development have never relentlessly used state resources for the betterment of the common man, but have filled their coffers with these projects.

All this has happened in the past and Even today it is happening fast, but when a common man is asked why the people do not revolt and protest against this oppression or do they not feel humiliated, even though the country and its resources.They have as much right as a minister or an adviser.A high-ranking military officer or a judge.

All of them are filling their coffers with taxes from the common man.They are in power with their votes, but they have their.The rulers always paid attention to making the people poor, did not give them self-reliance and opportunities.Due to which they could play their role in the development of the country.

Here first Benazir Income Support and now The beggars were made in the form of Ehsas program, but they could not develop the industry and make them skilled,

  • Business opportunities
  • Modern technology
  • Innovation in agriculture
  • Research
  • Science and modern sciences
were not given attention.

The journey of development is intertwined with,

  • Knowledge
  • Economy
  • Politics
  • Social values
but unfortunately we have not worked on any of them.Education has not been made a constructive business.The economy has sacrificed personal interests.

Gone, politics was ruined by arrogance, personal ego, lust for power and selfishness.Social values   were buried by the degradation of morality.

Common Man Problems

The problem is that the common man, despite being acquainted with the ground realities, remains silent.He is still entangled in individualism.The circumstances in front of him are taking his own country and nation on this path.

Where there are shadows of despair.When you look at the internal situation of the country, there is nothing but ruin on all sides.Corruption has reached its climax.

Yes, the law of the jungle is in force, the criminal mistakes and policies of the rulers are covered up as if nothing has happened.If you look at the foreign policies, the ruler of Kashmir has given them to India.Now he wants to sell them to Pakistan Even after India voted in the UN Security Council and conspired to open trade, turning a blind eye like a dove cannot hide the truth.Just as Israel will one day be accepted by an ordinance, that is why.

That it is not good to shake hands with the opposition, because the opinion of the opposition is necessary in the parliamentary system, but the fact that the rulers do not bring anyone to mind is an indication that the general Man is being misled.So many lies have been told to the people that there is no truth to the truth.Even though there can be no trade with India, because such decisions are not accepted by the people and politicians cannot accept them.

Political Leaders in Pakistan History

The complex knot of restoring relations with,

  •  Suhrawardy
  • Zulfiqar Ali
  • Mohtarma Benazir Shaheed
  • Mian Nawaz Sharif
  • Pervez Musharraf
  • Asif Ali Zardari
could not improve despite their desires and interests in other matters including trade.Because the people consider it a sin to think of any kind of relationship with India without resolving the Kashmir issue.

But our rulers want to trade the blood of their Kashmiri brothers and sisters with the people in exchange for sugar and cotton trade.There is no doubt that the government had decided to trade with India, said Finance Minister Hamad Azhar.Held a press conference and gave the good news to the whole world and especially to India through the media.

The Indian media had also played the tune, but the government has taken a timely U-turn in response to the decision.Everybody is familiar with how it is formed.If the thinking of relations with India is the same in all respects.Then Pakistan is the only one who knows.

After the sinking of Pakistan's economy, not only did he become the governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, but he ruled the entire country's economy.The hypocrites are sitting, this is the stench of a conspiracy on the integrity of the country, (O Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, decide against my thinking), Amen.

The common man has to take the axis of his thinking in the right direction.End his silence and unite and work for the development of the country without wasting time.Remember to end the constitution of oppression.If Imran Khan is in power today, then the country has reached this stage.It is worth considering how dire the situation would be if Maryam Nawaz or Bilawal Bhutto became the Prime Minister of the country.

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