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T-Rex Dinosaurs Roam the Earth on Two to Three Half Billions ||Research

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Sixty-seven million-year-old structure of T-Rex housed in a museum in Paris.Photo writers

Web Desk -A new study has revealed that there was once a terrifying and powerful species of dinosaurs on Earth called Trinosaurs.Their population is estimated at 2.5 billion and they are thought to have ruled the earth for 20 years.

To estimate the total population of these animals, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley looked at these giant animals.Their body size, their age to be sexually healthy and how much energy they would need in a lifetime.

As researched from aspects.After this research, scientists estimated that 127,000 species of these animals lived on Earth for two million years.

The journal science study was published on Thursday.

This is the first study of its kind to estimate the total population of dinosaurs, but according to scientists.The scope for error in this estimate is as large as the body of a trinosaurus.

That means "lots of jaws, lots of teeth and lots of claws," according to Charles Marshall, director of the Museum of Antiquities at the University of California.

This species of dinosaur inhabited North America millions of years ago, between 1.2 million and 3.6 million years ago.This means that there were only two such dinosaurs in the city of Washington DC at one time, or only 3,800 in the total area of   California at one time.

Christie Curry Rogers, an archaeologist at McAllister College in Minnesota, told the Associated Press: "Like everyone else.I looked at these figures twice to see if there were really two and a half billion Trino Sarzas on Earth."

So far, more than 100 structures of transosaurs have been discovered, 32 of which were said to be adult animal structures.

Remember that the giant temple animal called Trinosaurus matured between the ages of 14 and 17 and was usually up to 28 years old.

Scientists say the total population of these animals could be between 140 million and 42 billion, given a number of uncertainties.But 2.4 billion is an average estimate.

According to scientists, research on the largest carnivore on Earth is necessary, but James Farlow, a professor of geology at Purdue University in the United States, says: "The truth is that knowing all this It's very interesting in you too. "

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