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Russia: Reduces Speed to Restrict Twitter Use

<img src="twitter.jpg" alt="Reduces Speed to Restrict Twitter Use in Russia">

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has slashed the speed of social networking site Twitter at home for not removing banned content from its website.

Russia's Communications Regulator

Russia's state-run communications regulator says Twitter has been slowed down to limit its use.If banned content is not removed from the website, according to the World News Agency.

According to the news agency, the relevant Russian authorities have said in this regard that the speed of this social networking site.Twitter will be kept down until the presence of banned and illegal content.

According to the International News Agency, Russian officials say that there are currently more than 3,000 posts on Twitter that they say contain illegal and illegal content.

Russian officials have made it clear that the ban could be lifted.If the social networking site continues to be banned and posts containing banned content are not removed.

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Social Media Respect Russian Laws

Russia's presidential palace, the Kremlin, has said in a statement that Russia does not want to impose restrictions on social networking sites, but that social media companies should also respect Russian laws.

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