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The Benefits of Social Media || Make Life Easy


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Social media is a human invention and its use is increasing day by day.Social Media is a biggest platform in the world.Everything has some advantages and some disadvantages.In the same way, social media is also misused in our society.Its depending upon us how we use these platforms in our life.So I tell you some benefits of these sites.

1.Social Communication:

Social media is an easy and inexpensive means of communication on which we can not only make audio calls,but also share our thoughts with each other by watching our friends, relatives and parents on the screen app.


2: If you are interested in reading.Then there are millions of topics, channels, websites, articles on social media.You can also read it online and use it in your mobile phone or computer, laptop.


Many people on social media these days seem to be using this platform to do good deeds.There are online Quran lessons on Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube which more men.Women listen to inside their homes and can find solutions to various worldly and other issues.

4.Problems & Solutions:

This platform is playing a very important role in conveying the problems of an area from one place to another through social media.Can extract the solution.

5.Share Your Skills:

If a servant has skills in a job and he shares his skills with others.So that people can benefit from it.Then for them it is a great TV channel and the best platform.

6.World Cultures:

Access to other cultures has become much easier through social media.Earlier you could only watch your favorite personalities on TV but now you can follow your loved ones from all walks of life by searching on it.

7.World News:

Every news is received from any country through social media.It only takes one click to get acquainted with the world situation.

8.Online Earnings:

Earnings Now a days, social media has become a great way to earn money by creating different types of accounts.You can show your work to the whole world.

There are also many disadvantages of social media.If you use it properly instead of the disadvantages, it will be more beneficial.

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