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WhatsApp New Policy and WhatsApp Alternatives


<img src="WhatsApp new Policy.jpg" alt="WhatsApp New Policy 2021" />

This is the grandfather of WhatsApp, which must be avoided.

WhatsApp New Policy:

The following news may have reached you.If not read it carefully.WhatsApp's new terms and its new policies will take effect on February 8.This app requires data sharing with Facebook.So almost all apps have messages, photos and texts sent by us and you.But those apps can't share them anywhere, because they promise to keep all of these things and keep them safe.If they share any of them without our permission.

If Yes, 

they can be prosecuted and they will have to suffer the consequences, but now WhatsApp says that they can share all your messages and all your photos anywhere anytime, maybe a message on your WhatsApp.If it has come, otherwise it will come now.It has come to me.It will have two options. will be Agree

  • You will be Agree 
  • You will not be Agree 
If you agree then your WhatsApp It will work as before.Otherwise it will be closed on February 8.Agree consent means that you are agreeing to all of WhatsApp's terms.

So if WhatsApp shares any of your messages or photos with anyone, you and your family members cannot sue.

Why, because you agreed by clicking the Agree button.If you do not give your consent.Your WhatsApp will be closed on February 8.These are the new WhatsApp instructions and new terms.

WhatsApp Alternative Calling Apps:

In my opinion, Telegram or Signal are currently safe and secure apps.We have delivered this information to you in a timely manner.We request our friends to use the signal and telegram.If WhatsApp does not withdraw its terms.Then the signal and telegram will be discussed in a few days.


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