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Do You Know When The US Parliament was Attacked

<img src="Attack on USA Parliament.jpg" alt="A History of USA Parliament Attacked" />

US Parliament Attacked History

In the United States, Trump supporters stormed Parliament on Capitol Hill yesterday.The riots escalated to the point that four people, including a woman, were killed in the riots.There was an uproar when a joint sitting of both the houses of Congress was going on.

Pictures of the attack on Capitol Hill are circulating on social media around the world in large numbers and are being widely commented on.

This is not the first such incident in the United States, but the United States has faced this situation several times before.

First Attack On US Parliament:

The first attack on Parliament took place in 1814.when the US Supreme Court, along with Parliament, was set on fire by British troops.

Second Attack On US Parliament:

In July 1915, a former Harvard University professor locked himself in a Senate chamber and detonated a bomb, causing no casualties but severe damage to the building.

Third Attack On US Parliament:

In March 1954, Puerto Rican nationalists stormed the Capitol Hill building as members of the US House of Representatives debated a bill on Mexican refugees.

Fourth Attack On US Parliament:

In March 1971, a suspected bomb blast in a Senate Chamber washroom opposing the Vietnam War was claimed by left-wing militants.

Fifth Attack On US Parliament:

The fifth attack on Capitol Hill took place in November 1983.A bomb blast outside the Senate caused no casualties but partial damage to the building.

Six Attack On US Parliament:

This was followed by another incident in 1998.Which gunmen opened fire on a security checkpoint on Capitol Hill, killing two security personnel.

Seven  Attack On US Parliament:

However, the last time Capitol Hill was attacked was in 2016, four years ago.After which a riot took place yesterday in which Capital Hill was severely damaged and four people including a woman were killed in the attack.

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