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Another Indian Actress Converts to Islam


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A famous Indian actress has converted to Islam.Before explaining the reason for accepting Islam.You are requested to read all my articles.They are written for you and with great effort.

Yes friends, a well-known Indian actress has also converted to Islam.Allah Almighty guided her and she has come on the path of Islam.

Sanjana Gul Rani Accept Islam:

Leading Indian actress Sanjana Gul Rani has converted to Islam.According to details, Sanjana Gul Rani said that the reason for her conversion to Islam was because she had been hearing and seeing many things about Islam in India for the last ten years.

Anti Islamic Propaganda:

The anti-Islamic propaganda going on in the country aroused their curiosity to know Islam.Sanjana Gul Rani has changed her name to "Mahra" after converting to Islam.It is believed that according to Indian media reports, Sanjana was reluctant to convert to Islam for a few reasons.

However, his acceptance of Islam has now come to light.Experts say he has done a thorough study of Islam.Discussed with those who follow Islam.They learned that Islam is a true religion.The Sanjana say that I believe in Islamic principles.I am agree to follow these principles in my life.In order to achieve the purpose of life.

The actress was an actress from India's Kanaga 'Tamil and Telugu film industry.May Allah Almighty blessing us to follow the all path of Islam.And guide all non-Muslims and help them to understand Islam.May Allah make Islam more popular and protect us all. (Amen)

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