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WhatsApp users' problems solved

<img src="WhatsApp" alt="WhatsApp users' problems solved">

Technology experts have solved the problems of WhatsApp users.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging app through which messages can be easily sent to each other but sometimes a wrong message is sent which is deleted before it can be read.

In fact, when a user deletes a message from an individual or group chat, 'ten messages from deleted' is written.

To read this deleted message, technologists have found an app that allows them to read deleted messages.

The name of this app is 'WAMR',.Which can be easily find from the Google Play Store.

Wammer also allows users to configure their WhatsApp notifications.

According to the company, after installing the app, WhatsApp messages are stored in its cache.Which can be easily read and deleted at will.

With the help of this app, photos, videos and other things can be obtained.

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Anonymous said…
Hmmm nice