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What is Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and What are its symptoms?

 Will we all get Alzheimer’s disease?” Ingram asked in one of his works on burnout. What is the probability that each of us will sometimes get the desire to forget everything? Sometimes we try to forget a bad event, sometimes a person, sometimes the whole past; will we still want to forget when life offers us this magic potion one day?

Alzheimer's is a neurological disorder that is seen in one in ten people, especially those over the age of 65. So yes, if we live to be around 65, we can get Alzheimer's. The formation of this neurological disorder begins in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that concerns memory. Protein plaques that negatively affect neurons in all tissues of the brain, especially in the neurons in the hippocampus, are formed over time. This causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die over time. In other words, the price of forgetting kills us a little. That's why when life offers us this magic potion, we may want to remember, not forget.

AD can be seen not only at later ages but also at earlier ages. There are 4 clinically distinct types of AD:

Early-Onset Alzheimer's DiseaseT 

ypical AD (Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease) 

Familial Alzheimer's Disease (FAD)

Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease

The disease presents with different clinical presentations. Many factors such as age, genetic factors, environment, nutrition are the main factors in the emergence of this neurological disorder.

What are the causes of Alzheimer's?

When we examine the etiology of Alzheimer's disease, we come across many complex pictures. Moreover, there is no proven etiology. However, some factors that we encounter play a role in the development of the etiology of the disease. If we examine them in order;

First, we come across genetic factors. If FH runs in your family, you are at risk. Certain variants of the ApoE gene (ApoE4) that you and your family carry increase the risk of FH. This gene is a protein gene that plays a role in the transport of fats. 

Another factor is the abnormal accumulation of protein plaques called beta-amyloid and other proteinic structures called neurofibrillary tangles in brain tissue, which cause dysfunction in cells. 

The most common factor is dysfunctions in brain cells. AD symptoms occur as a result of brain cell disorders that occur for various reasons. In particular, folic acid, pyridoxine, and vitamin B12 deficiencies have negative effects on the hippocampus.

Finally, environmental and lifestyle factors come into play: unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, social isolation and more increase the risk of Alzheimer's.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?

Of course, as everyone knows, forgetting is the most popular symptom. However, depending on the type of disease and the age at which it occurs, all symptoms can become specific. These symptoms are as follows;

  • Loss of memory
  • Cognitive DeclineL
  • anguage Problems
  • Disorientation and Impairment of Spatial Abilities
  • Difficulty in Decision Making
  • Personality and Behavior Changes ( Social phobia , OCD, etc.)
  • Difficulty with Daily Activities

Although these symptoms appear gradually at first, they seriously affect daily life in time. Especially memory loss, which was once everyone's dream, has irreversible consequences when it becomes reality.


Alzheimer's patients frequently involvement a diminish in their capacity to scent, which may be an early sign of the illness.

How Is It Diagnosed?

How long does it take to understand that forgetting is a disease? How can we recognize the effects of the loss of connection between the past and future of life on a person? Alzheimer's causes not only the owner to forget, but also their loved ones. They are the ones who realize this. When they feel that forgetting is not a blessing but a precaution, a doctor is needed. After this, the diagnosis process of the disease begins in the context of neurology.

The physician first listens to the verbal history of the individual with AD symptoms and performs a physical examination. Then, standard tests such as cognitive MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination) and MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) are used. After the cognitive functions are evaluated, a neuropsychological evaluation is applied. After all these examination and testing processes are completed, laboratory and imaging examination processes begin.

As we said before, the deadly effect of forgetting on the body is most evident in these tests. Shrunken brain tissue, neural losses, and peak amyloid beta proteins reveal chronic neurodegenerative dementia.

Alzheimer's Disease Treatment

It is quite difficult to remember, relearn and make it possible for life, living and all the skills we use to sustain life. Especially if a disease that has no definitive cure has appeared in your body. Stopping forgetting and ending the disability can be made possible with medications, psychosocial supports, exercises and more.Alzheimer's cannot be completely cured due to the irreversible damage that occurs in the brain. 

However, the individual must apply the necessary treatment methods to protect his/her current health, ensure memory development and make daily life possible. In this way, he/she can spend his/her future life minimally affected by the effects of the disease.

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