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Beyond the "Straight Curve": The Architectural Legacy of Zaha Hadid

 The late engineer Zaha Hadid was known as the "Straight Curve" because her buildings challenged the theories of mathematics and physics. They faced many obstacles that were resistant to realizing their dreams, but eventually they were able to turn their architectural designs into reality. A viewer of the buildings she built may initially think they are from a fantasy futuristic world of flying cities, but in reality they are sprawling buildings across the globe that prove she was an unparalleled woman.

Zaha Hadid Life History

Dame Zaha Hadid was an Iraqi-British architect, not an engineer. Born in Baghdad on October 31, 1950, she studied mathematics before pursuing architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London

Hadid's designs were known for their deconstructivist style, characterized by sharp angles, sweeping curves, and a sense of dynamism. Her most famous works include the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Azerbaijan, and the MAXXI museum in Rome.

Hadid's personal life was relatively private. She never married and had no children. She was known for her dedication to her work and her ethic.

Zaha Hadid interview

Zaha Hadid said in a program: "The truth is that most of my failures happened in the Arab world. I think that Arabs do not respect the human being properly. Arabs like foreigners."

When asked: "Is it because you are a woman?"

He replied: "No, rather it is because I am an Arab... Arabs like foreigners."

She added: "I was opposed by the West because I am an Arab, and I was opposed by the Arabs because I am a woman."

Engineer Zaha Hadid's architectural masterpieces are present all over the world and his works in every country are a testament to his creativity. His work revolutionized not only the world of architecture but also the world of art and design as a whole.

Zaha Hadid's Achievements

Some of his famous masterpieces include:

  • London's "Guardian Office"
  • Beijing's "Soho Galaxy""
  • Heydar Aliyev Center" in Baku
  • Miami's "Museum of a Thousand"

Zaha Hadid's achievements not only set a new path in the world of architecture, but also proved that with determination and passion, any obstacle can be overcome. Her life and work tell the story of a woman who challenged conventional rules and forged her own path. His architectural works will always be remembered and will continue to be an inspiration to new architects.

Source: Wonders of the World

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