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Sleep Disorders and Sleep Disorder Treatment WBT3

Sleep is one of the main areas where people rest physiologically. While the nervous system rests while sleeping, the immune system maintains its activity. With sleeping, people move away from thinking and confusion of thoughts. However, in some cases, we encounter what we call sleep disorders. These tables, which are caused by psychological and physiological factors, reduce sleep efficiency and negatively affect the general health status.

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As a matter of fact, not only humans, but all living things need sleep to survive. Because sleep physiology is vital. The most fundamental element in Maslow's hierarchy of human needs is sleep. It is seen that this physiological need cannot be adequately met in some cases. If efficient sleep is not achieved, various symptoms occur in people. Sleep disorders lead to various negative consequences in the individual physiologically, psychologically and neurologically. In order to eliminate these health problems, correct diagnosis and treatment are required. If you are experiencing sleep disorders and these problems are to the extent that they affect your general health, consult a doctor.

What are the Characteristics of Normal Sleep?

  1. Sleep begins with the NREM phase.
  2. The REM phase is passed.
  3. These phases follow each other.
  4. The REM phase occurs 4-5 times during a sleep.

What Causes Sleep Disorder?

  1. Cardiovascular diseases
  2. Endocrine disorders
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system
  4. Neurological disorders
  5. Gynecological diseases
  6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders

Types of Sleep Disorders

  • Insomnia
  • Hypersomnia (Excessive Sleep)
  • Narcolepsy
  • Dream Distress Disorder (Nightmare)
  • Sleep Terror (Night Terrors)
  • Sleep Paralysis (Nightmare)
  • Somnambulism
  • Dental Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
  • Sleep Talk
  • Sleep Enuresis
  • Restless Leg Syndrome

Sleep is the transition of the living organism to silence. The body, which has slowed down and turned into a passive organism, goes to rest with sleep. Falling asleep and staying asleep is an active process and includes several stages. Normal sleep subject, on the other hand, refers to the smooth and efficient completion of the sleep process in terms of neurological and physiological aspects. While the average sleep duration in adults is expressed as 7-8 hours, these figures may increase or decrease from person to person.

The normal sleep process proceeds as follows;

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NREM Phase: It is the phase where sleep begins and there is no dream in this phase. Blood pressure and respiratory rate decrease. However, the heart rate varies.

REM Phase: It begins this phase an average of one hour after falling asleep. Blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate increase. The dream occurs during this phase. In addition, physiological events such as teeth grinding, penile erection and secretion occur in REM sleep.

Sleep problems occur from time to time in every person's daily life. Diseases, psychological factors and many other factors affect the sleep process and the efficiency of sleep. But this is not a sleep disorder. Most psychiatric diagnoses involve sleep problems. But this develops depending on the primary diagnosis. In the actual disorders, the clinical signs and symptoms are quite different. This diagnosis, which significantly reduces the quality of life of the individual, should be treated immediately.

Signs and symptoms of sleep disorders differ according to their subtypes. However, in addition to these symptoms, various laboratory tests, tests such as EEG and polysomnograph are required. The diagnosis is made in the context of a detailed anamnesis taken from the individual and various tests performed afterwards. Since the individual cannot follow his own sleepiness, it is beneficial to have someone who witnesses his sleep in the examination.

These disorders, which are a medical diagnosis, can develop due to both internal and external factors. Because there are more than one element that makes up sleep. Factors such as the effects of these elements for various reasons and mood changes affect sleep. Medical disorders that cause sleep disorders are as follows;

The World Health Organization has classified the diagnosis of sleep disorders under three main headings. These;

Each of these disorders, which are divided into subheadings, is examined separately. In fact, the number of these medical diagnoses reaches approximately 65. The properties and treatment of each of them are specific. The most common clinical diagnoses are;

Sleep disorder and its treatment are planned by the doctor in the context of the current diagnosis. The individual whose treatment is completed regains healthy sleep and eliminates this situation, which negatively affects the general health status.

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