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Historic military Bunkers for Sale in the Czech Republic


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The Czech army plans to sell thousands of its military bunkers.They were built during the Nazi regime in Germany.

Nazi German Government

    In the 1930s, what was then Czechoslovakia planned to establish an extensive network of defensive fronts near the German border.The aim was to counter a possible attack by the Nazi German government.The government wanted a defense system to be set up before the Nazi aggression so that troops and reserve personnel could be mobilized immediately if needed.

These frontiers were not completed until 1938, partly because of the high and low hills in the border areas.In a way, these hills were also considered to be of key importance in defense.

After the completion of these strong defensive bunkers, the former Czechoslovakia mobilized 1.1 million troops to be ready to face any aggression.

 Surprising Shock British Prime Minister

On September 29 and 30, 1838, Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister and his French counterpart, Edward Daldier, signed an agreement with Adolf Hitler's government in Munich, forcing the Prague government to relinquish almost all of its border.Hand over to Germany.These areas were inhabited by a German-speaking minority.

Adolf Hitler's Government Agreement 

 In light of the agreement, Czechoslovakia withdrew from the border areas and the Nazi government took control of them.After years of hard work, the military bunkers moved easily into German control.The surrounding areas were annexed by the Nazi German government on March 15, 1939.

After Two Thousand Years

Military bunkers built in the border villages of the Czech Republic are considered silent witnesses to border history.In 2000, Communist Czechoslovakia was legally divided and the country appeared on the map in the form of the Czech Republic and Slovakia as a result of a referendum.

The Czech Republic continues to gradually get rid of these military fronts.The national army has the authority to relocate them to local areas as well as privatize them.The number of small battle fronts in this border area is four thousand nine hundred and ninety three.

Bunkers Without Military Significance

Peter Sekura, from the press department of the Czech Ministry of Defense, said the fronts or military bases had lost their military significance and that one-third had lost control.He added that his ownership is changing on an annual basis.

Czech Army Front Bunkers 

It is also a fact that the Czech army is ready to give these fronts or bunkers to different areas and local administrations for free.It was also reported that the army wants to control only a few bunkers and those whose buildings are quite large.

Among them, the military wants to set up its own stations to monitor earthquakes or monitor the underground activities of nuclear explosions.

Sale of Bunkers and Tourist Interest

All details of the sale of these bunkers are available on the Czech Army website.They range in price from a thousand to several thousand.The number of buyers and interest is also increasing due to their auction.

After the sale of some of these bunkers, the status has changed and restaurants have been opened in them for the purpose of tourism.Tourists have so far preferred the Hurka artillery bunkers the most.The bunker is located at the foot of the northern hills of Caralike.

This year, 20,000 tourists visited the bunkers in July and August.This area is close to the Sudetes Mountains in Poland.

Lobosh Palata (AS / AS)

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