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Ethiopian conflict intensifies, calls for reconciliation

<img src="Ethiopian" alt="Äthiopien Tigray-Krise | Soldaten TPLF ">

Äthiopien Tigray-Krise | Soldaten TPLF

The clear purpose of writing this letter is to increase pressure on Ethiopia's warring parties to find a peaceful solution to the bloody Tigris conflict.The open letter writers want a complete end to this serious conflict in Africa.

Dozens of African scholars and human rights activists from around the world are among the signatories.The letter also called for making dialogue a goal of peace.

Ethiopia is on the slope

The letter states that civilians are constantly being affected by the conflict and that human rights violations are on the rise as it grows longer.

Tigray Konflikt | Äthiopien Eritrea Flüchtlinge

One of the signatories to the letter, Professor Mohamed Diouf of Columbia University's Department of African Studies, told DW that if the dispute was not resolved.It would mean a total failure in Africa.

One Africa 

The letter called for "One Africa" ​​and said that the war situation in Ethiopia had now entered its ninth month and that a solution to the conflict was not yet in sight.Which was certainly a sad situation. ۔

A scholar at Kenya's International Institute 

Hassan Khaniji, a scholar at Kenya's International Institute for Strategic Studies, says the conflict has divided the continent and no one is openly critical of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is the second largest country on the African continent in terms of population and the African Union is headquartered in Addis Ababa.

The dispute must be resolved soon

One analyst says Ethiopia is a key country in the Horn of Africa and could have far-reaching negative consequences of instability and unrest across the continent.

The situation could also be troubling for neighboring Somalia and Kenya.As the al-Shabab militant group continues its armed operations in Somalia and there have been repeated terrorist attacks in Kenya.Ethiopia has already withdrawn its troops from Somalia has requested.

Somali refugees in Kenya

A large number of Somali refugees are living in camps in Kenya.Hassan Khaniji says that if the Tigris conflict escalates and ends in secession.The division of Ethiopia will destabilize the entire region and the world could face a major refugee crisis.

Africa, Ethiopia and Turkey

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed has called on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan to help resolve the dispute.The Turkish president also called Ethiopia an important country in terms of influence in Africa.Michael Tanakham, a researcher, says that Turkey also wants access to the East African countries of Kenya and Uganda and that Ethiopia is an important route to that end.

Tanakham added that Ankara already has security ties with Somalia and Ethiopia and wants to push out two countries already influential in the Horn of Africa, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

Ethiopian-Sudanese relations are also deteriorating due to the third conflict.One reason for this is the influx of Tigris refugees into Sudan.These refugees are becoming a social and economic burden there.While the other reason is Addis Ababa's plan to build a big dam on the Nile River.

Internally Displaced Refugees in Tigris have difficulty finding food.

The warring parties are not attracted to peace

Last week, the African Union tasked former Nigerian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva with resolving the dispute.As a conciliator, they will have to listen to the objections of the parties and find a middle ground, but their chances of success are slim.Some other African countries are also involved in resolving the dispute.


 One of the parties to the conflict is the Liberation Front (TPLF), which has sided with the African Union, saying the union has sympathies with Ethiopia.On the other hand, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed Tegrai has refused to talk to the leaders.

According to Ahmed, the issue of Tegrai is a matter of law and order and an internal matter.

Lerstina Karpahi (A H A A)

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