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New feature to save WhatsApp messages

<img src="WhatsApp" alt="New feature to save WhatsApp messages">

WhatsApp is a platform that is used by more than half of the world's population today and the number of users is increasing every day.

Collapse WhatsApp Privacy Policy 

Some time ago, there were fears that WhatsApp might collapse due to WhatsApp's privacy policy, but the company withdrew its move after objections from users.

Privacy policy is designed to secure users' data so that users can easily trust any social media platform.

In this regard, WhatsApp is also taking new steps to protect the data of its users.

WhatsApp Secret Messages 

WhatsApp recently reported that users can now keep their secret messages at will for as long as they want or forever.

In this regard, the company says that even once a chat is saved by the user.It will remain safe until the user himself removes it.

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