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Belarusian Olympic athlete Kristina will leave for Poland soon


<img src="Kristina" alt="Olympic athlete Kristina will leave for Poland">

Belarusian Olympic athlete Kristina has sought refuge at the Polish embassy in Tokyo.While the United States has criticized its attempts to forcibly repatriate her.

The Polish government has issued a visa to Belarusian athlete Kristina Svanoskaya.The 24-year-old sprinter claims that his team tried to send him back in the middle of the Olympics.

Tokyo International Airport

Christina contacted police at Tokyo International Airport on Sunday to prevent her from being sent to Belarus without her consent.He then sought political asylum in Europe.

Christina says she fears her security could be threatened if she returns to Belarus.He said the coaching staff was pressured after being criticized.

In view of this situation, the International Association of Athletes has called on the International Olympic Committee to suspend Belarus' membership.

However, according to the Olympic Committee, Christina's claims will be confirmed first and then a decision will be made.

Polish Embassy

Christina stayed at the Polish embassy between Monday and Tuesday night.The Warsaw government says it has issued a visa on humanitarian grounds after a "criminal attempt" to kidnap a Belarusian athlete.

Christina spent the night between Monday and Tuesday at the Polish embassy

Departure for Warsaw

The Polish prime minister wrote on his Facebook account that he had made sure Christina was safe at the Polish embassy in Tokyo.If necessary, we will give her a chance to continue her professional career.

It is said that Christina will stay at the Polish embassy until she leaves for Poland.She is expected to withdraw from the Olympics and leave for Warsaw on Wednesday.

Christina's husband Arseniy

On the other hand, Christina's husband Arseniy Zdanovic has said that he has fled Belarus and will try to reach his wife soon."I'm sure it wasn't safe for me to be there (Belarus)," said the 25-year-old fitness trainer in Ukraine.

The US Response

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antoine Blanken has accused Belarusian President Lukashenko of trying to "oppress" the Olympian by expressing his freedom of expression.


In a tweet, Blinken wrote that "such actions are against the basic values ​​and fundamental rights of the Olympic Games and are intolerable".

International Olympic Committee

The International Olympic Committee said in a recent statement that it was contacting the Minsk government to confirm Christina's claims and that appropriate steps would be taken after a formal investigation.

Belarus coaching staff and athletes participating in the Olympics say Christina was under stress as soon as she arrived in Tokyo and has been criticized for denying allegations made by her fellow athlete.

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