The SpaceX company is developing a starship rocket to send equipment and astronauts to the moon and Mars.
According to a foreign news agency, SpaceX Company has succeeded in landing the Starship rocket in the fifth attempt.
However, after landing, the rocket caught fire and was extinguished immediately.
In this regard, the company says that the engine of the rocket will be further improved.
It should be noted that in the first four attempts, the rocket caught fire during the flight and it failed.
Before that, astronauts have faced many difficulties, sometimes lack of equipment, sometimes problems with toilets, but lack of every basic need.
It should be noted that the astronauts had to face a lot of difficulties due to the deterioration of the toilets in the International Space Station.
According to NASA officials, the ISS has two toilets built by Russia, one for Russian modules and one for US use.
In addition, Swiss planes have toilets, but they can only be used during the flight.
ISS Commander Luca Permitano also posted a message on the social networking site Twitter regarding the toilet problem.
In response to Commander Luca Permitano's tweet, an engineer at the Space Center Houston told the ISS commander that there was a toilet in the US module that was being re-used.
It should be noted that no solution has been found so far for the toilet problem in the International Space Station.