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Laughter is Also For Bidden in India

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India proudly declares itself to be the largest democracy in the world.The hype was so loud that the civilized world came to believe it.India's secularism has long proved to be a deception and deception.Indian democracy was a lie that both the West.Otherwise Pakistanis believed in, especially when we saw scenes of toying with democracy in our own country.Indians used to be jealous of democracy, but now this lie has also been exposed.

In a country where every tactic is used to win elections, including bullying, greed, religious bigotry and propaganda against the neighboring country (Pakistan), to consider democracy in its true spirit is nothing but self-deception.

What is the state of democracy in India

This incident is described in a few words by the headline of an article in the Indian newspaper "National Herald", "Republic Day without a 'Republic'" as if the river in Koza closed.

If the continuum of voting is called democracy, then of course our neighbor is a democratic country, but the fact that democracy is not a defender of freedom of religion.Freedom of expression and other fundamental rights of the people is a drama.Nothing but and at present the aforesaid freedoms are being chained and extinct in India.

Religious rights and freedoms are being devoured by the monster of Hindutva, but it has also become an enemy of expression to show a good image of the government and the state. 

Whether it is the case of Code 19 or the Sikh farmers' movement, the Modi government has been trying desperately to suppress and distort the facts.Every effort is being made to suppress expression.

Vinod's Joseph a Victim 

Vinod's Joseph also fell victim to the same obsession.Vinod is a editor top investigative magazine Caravan in india.He logged in February 1 on Twitter.He was shocked when he saw that his magazine's account had been blocked.He was already facing various charges, including "rebellion" and the fallout was a new problem.The reason for these allegations was the coverage of the peasant movement by the caravan.

As farmers took to the streets in protest of agricultural laws in the capital, Delhi, on Indian Republic Day.The Indian government stepped in to block such scenes from appearing on mainstream and social media.

Bharatiya Janata Party Shutdown Hundreds of Twitter Accounts

To prevent journalists from covering the scenes, the Bharatiya Janata Party's fascist government staged protests against freedom of expression through party workers,supporters and also shut down Twitter accounts.That the facts were coming out in this regard.

Hundreds of Twitter accounts have been targeted by the government's language ban campaign, with news websites, activists and the accounts of protesting farmers' unions topping the list.

BJP ministers blamed journalists

In addition, at least nine "offline" journalists are facing lawsuits for covering the protest.BJP ministers blamed journalists and the opposition for the whole situation.He saying they had damaged national unity through unverified reporting and tweets.The charges against the "accused" under the charge carry a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.

Modi Government is Blindly 

The tradition of setting up cases of sedition on expression in India is quite old, but the way the Modi government is blindly using the relevant laws is certainly new.The number of such cases in this government has increased by 30%. 

International media organizations and human rights groups have condemned the move, but it has had no effect on the Indian government.

Modi's shadow, Intolerance in India

Commentators say that under Modi's shadow, intolerance in India is increasing day by day.Due to which India is falling in the global index of independent journalism every year.

In 2020, India was ranked 142nd out of 180 countries in the list.Reporters Without Borders says police violence against journalists and pressure from the Hindu nationalist government to promote official statements in the media this is the factors that are causing India to decline in the rankings.

Bollywood Personalities & Modi Government

The pressure to publicize the official statement is not limited to the media.Bollywood personalities have also become instruments of the Modi government in the shackles of oppression.

In recent days, Indians have been on fire when American pop star Rehana and environmental activist Greta Thunberg expressed solidarity with protesting farmers in India on social media. 

The Indian Foreign Ministry reacted to this, as well as many Bollywood personalities jumped from Lata Mangeshkar to Akshay Kumar.Whose tweets were strikingly striking and this fact became clear.That they were doing all this according to the given script.

In India, there are restrictions on speaking the truth and fulfilling journalistic responsibilities. But in this country, laughing and laughing is also forbidden.As evidenced by the treatment of Muslim comedian Munawar Farooqi.

Muslim Comedian Munawar Farooqi

Munawar Farooqi, a young stand-up comedian and writer.He has been accused of making fun of Hindu deities.He was arrested.He was later released on bail after 35 days.Munawar Farooqi says police did not bother to investigate the allegations against him before arresting him, nor did they try to find any evidence.

In a country where there is this state of intolerance and pressure, truth, art, literature, politics, journalism all become stagnant.India is also in a similar situation and the humane and broad-minded.

Indian intellectuals and citizens are watching the whole spectacle with fear in their hearts and fear in their eyes.

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