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Chinese Space Mission Successfully Enters Mars Orbit

<img src="China Mass Mission.jpg" alt="Chinese Space Mission Successfully" />

BEIJING: The Chinese-built Tiananmen 1 mission has successfully entered Mars orbit.China has become the sixth country in the world.Whose space mission has successfully entered Mars orbit.

The UAE space mission successfully entered the orbit of Mars yesterday.Making it the fifth and first Islamic country in the world to achieve such a success in a space mission.

Space Missions Successfully Countries:

  • United States 
  • Russia 
  • European Space Agency 
  • India 
  • United Arab Emirates 
  • China 

Space missions from the United States, Russia, the European Space Agency, India and the United Arab Emirates have gained access to the Red Planet.

China launched its mission to Mars in July.Which traveled in space for about seven months and then successfully entered Mars orbit.

News Agency Report:

According to the news agency, the Chinese-made space mission will land in the northern part of the planet by May after entering the orbit of Mars.

According to the International News Agency, the total weight of Tian Wen Ikum is about five tons and it has been developed by local experts.

China Space Mission Tian Wen Yim:

The Chinese-built space mission Tian Wen Yim.Which is equipped with a research vehicle and other necessary scientific equipment, will gather information by investigating possible human populations on the Red Planet.

An engine that will take the peoples to Mars (Red Planet) in only 3 months.

China launched a space mission to Mars with Russia nine years ago, but it did not succeed.

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