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World In 2070 || How Look Like World In Future


<img src="Future World 2070.jpg" alt="Future World 2070/>

What will the world look like in 2070?

Here are some things about our future that will make you happy to know;

  • What will happen in 2070
  • What will not happen
  • What will happen to our technology
  • What will happen to our land
  • Whatever you have
  • Whatever you are happy with I was born.

You have a mobile or laptop.You have cars.You have planes.You have everything.

What will it all look like in 2070?

Scientists have found out about the future of the world from their estimates.I am going to tell you all that.You should also be interested in knowing those things.

Mobile Phone in 2070:

According to the estimates of scientists, all the mobile phones will be gone in 2070.No human being will have any kind of mobile phone etc.But at that time a human eye will have a contact lens in which he can do whatever he wants.You will control the contact lens in your eye through your brain.

Contact With Your Eye Lenses:

The contact lenses of your eyes will work the way you think.In 2070, almost everything will be online.Which means you will be able to keep an eye on your home from thousands of kilometers away.You will be able to open and close the windows and doors of your house.

70% Jobs Lost in 2070:

About 70% of jobs will be lost in the future.The main reason for this is the use of robots.Robots will start working in companies etc.Floods will increase in 2070.

According to scientists, the sea level will increase at that time and many countries will be submerged in water.

Long Life in Future:

If you are a normal human being then you will live for 100 years.The reason for longevity is medical science because they find a solution to any disease very quickly.Thousands of types of robots will be implanted in your body which will not give place to any disease.Toxins will kill the germs that will harm you.

Planes Change in Future 2070:

The planes of the future will be very different from the planes of today.They will be more comfortable and beautiful.They will have big LCDs which will allow us to see the sky.Traveling at that time will be like traveling.At that time accidents will not be on the earth but in the sky because flying cars will be common at that time.

Population in Future:

At that time the population will be more than 900 crores.At that time food and housing problems will be more.These things are based solely on the experiments of scientists.He has estimated through research that our world will be like this.One hundred percent is not sure.

My Opinion About Future 2070:

Do you know if the world will be destroyed before this is also their thinking? 

It may be that the name and symbol of technology will not remain at this time.I mean, I can't say anything.This is an estimate.If the world continues to run according to it.Then all these changes are going to happen.I pray that you too may live till 2070 and see all these things with your own eyes.

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