Wikipedia turns 20 on Friday, January 15.The Internet encyclopedia is committed to expanding free access to information over the next 20 years.
Al Jazeera News:
According to an Al Jazeera report, Wikipedia was created by American businessman Jimmy Wells on January 15, 2001 and is now the seventh most popular website in the world.The site has over 55 million articles and is viewed 15 billion times a month.
Wikipedia History:
The website was launched in English but was made available in German and Swedish two months later, but is now available in 309 languages.
Jimmy Wales does not intend to stop there and plans to introduce the site in more languages.They say that there are still one or two billion people who want to contribute to Wikipedia.So that they can increase the storage of their information and in this work they are looking at us.So in the future the website will be available in more languages.That will be a big part of our plan.
Wikipedia Goals:
In 2006, Jimmy Wells planned to have 100,000 entries in every language in the world on Wikipedia, but says it may take another 20 years to reach that goal.
Wikipedia is a non-profit website.Jimmy Wells says he volunteered for the site and was impressed by their contributions and efforts.
He says he believed that with open source and free software techniques.We could create a free encyclopedia but it took us 2 years.After which people started paying attention to the project and in such cases time is needed.It happens.
Unlike other traditional encyclopedias, Wikipedia welcomes non-expert contributions.Its content is debated.The site is criticized for being mostly white and male volunteers, with little information about women and developing nations.