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Television: A Brief History of Television


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Television, which can be found in billions of homes today.There was not even known to most people a hundred years ago.Just as any invention goes through many stages and different forms before it came to its present form.So too have television had different initial structures.

TV initial structures :

The initial structure of the TV was mechanical in nature with two parts,

  • Receiver
  • Transmitter
They were mechanically photographed and broadcast.TVs of this model were introduced in the nineteenth century.Germany's Gottlieb Napko developed the first mechanical TV.Which he named the Electric Telescope.This type of TV had perforated discs that rotated rapidly.It was introduced in the 1920s by Scottish inventor John Logie Bard.American inventor Charles Francis Jenkins.

First TV Operate:

A rotation of the perforated disk in the TV transmitter took a one-time photo of the studio on the receiver's screen.In the early Bard model, the disc consisted of 30 holes and rotated 5.12 times per second.The disc had a studio on one side and a photoelectric cell on the other.Which converted light into electrical signals and transmitted it to the receiver via radio waves. 

The receiver also had a disk mounted that rotated at the transmitter's disk speed.The waves coming from the transmitter were converted back to light by an electric circuit and passed through the holes in the disk to take a picture on the screen.

Russia & Swindon Developed TV:

These were mechanical TVs, but in 1907 Boris Rosing in Russia and Swindon in Britain succeeded in installing a cathode day tube as a receiver in the mechanical model.A few years after this invention, a new type of TV emerged the electric TV.When Taylor Farnsworth was 14, she planned to send moving images in the form of code to various receivers via radio waves.

In 1927, at just 21 years old, Taylor built the world's first electric TV.In the first experiment, only one line was broadcast.The dollar sign was later shown on a TV screen.Although mechanical TV continued to undergo new changes during this period.It was gradually replaced by electric TV.

The main part of electric TV was the cathode ray tube which was mainly made of cathode and anode.The cathode produces electrons with the help of heat.Which the anode in the form of a beam would hit the screen with very high speed. 

Wherever an electron hits the screen, it glows.In this way the complete picture could be made by hitting the electron beam from different parts of the screen.

World First TV Station:

The world's first mechanical TV station, the W3XK, was built by Francis Jenkins and began broadcasting on July 2, 1928.Bard's TV designs appeared in the United States in September 1928. 

However, electric TVs appeared in 1938 to decorate homes.

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