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Netherlands:Protests Against Curfew Turn into Looting

<img src="Netherlands:Protests Against Curfew .jpg" alt="Netherlands:Protests Against COVID-19 Curfew" />

Protests against Corona sanctions in the Netherlands have turned into clashes with police and looting.

French News Reports:

According to the French news agency AFP, the authorities said that looting took place in cities across the country on Sunday.

Hundreds of people protested against the curfew in Amsterdam.Which police used water cannons to disperse.

For the first time since World War II, a curfew has been imposed in the Netherlands.Which will last until February 10.

One sign in the southern city Police have used tear gas to disperse a crowd of several hundred people and arrested 30 people.More than 240 people have been arrested across the country, according to Reuters.

Local Media Reports:

According to local media reports, not only were several vehicles set on fire, but businesses at Aindu One Central Station were also looted.

In view of the situation, the Dutch railway company NS has asked the passengers not to go towards Aindu One Central Station.

"If the country continues on this path, I think we are heading for a civil war," Ando One Mayor John Jurtsma told the media.

There have been similar incidents in;

  • Hague
  • Breda
  • Arnhem
  • Tilburg
  • Venlo
among others.A Corona testing center in the northern village of York was also set on fire.

On the other hand, those who violate the curfew from 9 pm to 4:30 am will be fined 95 Euros.

However, those returning from funerals and work may be exempt if they present a certificate.

More than 240 people arrested across the country.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte says it is necessary to reduce the number of Corona victims.

Rote also announced a ban on flights from the United Kingdom, South Africa and South America last week.

Netherlands Corona Reports:

So far, 9,48,933 cases of corona have been reported in the Netherlands, while the death toll is 13,540.

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