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Russia Launch of its TikTak Mobile App


<img src="Russian Tiktok.jpg" alt="Russia Launchits ownTiktok mobileapp" />

Russia has announced the launch of its most popular video sharing application (mobile app) in the style of Tik Tak.

The Russian video-sharing mobile app was developed by Katrina, Putin's daughter.

According to Russian media, the country's leading media company affiliated with Gazprom, the largest energy company under the influence of the government, has decided to launch the Tik Tak mobile app.

Alexander Zharov, group CEO of the company, says the TuckTalk app will be developed in collaboration with a foundation run by Putin's daughter, Katrina Tikhonov.

According to Alexander Zharov, his media company has also bought a service called Ya Molodits.A video service project for Russian bloggers will be created soon.This project will be completed in the next 2 years.

Gazprom Group is one of Russia's semi-official energy corporations.The company has Russia's largest media network.Which includes several media channels and radio stations.

Earlier this month, Gazprom's CEO also announced the launch of two YouTube-style sharing websites that will be completed in the next two years.

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