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Positive analysis of second corona vaccine in the United States || Possibility of approval


<img src="Corona Vaccine.jpg" alt="Corona Vaccines are Available in United States" />

The Food and Drug Administration, the US Food and Drug Administration, said in a preliminary analysis that a second vaccine against codeine nineteen was safe and effective.

The United States has previously allowed emergency use of vaccines developed by Pfizer and Biotech.The vaccine is now being used.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Tuesday that a positive review of the vaccine by Modern and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had raised the possibility of the vaccine being approved.

Vaccines provided by Pfizer are gaining ground in US hospitals.A committee of independent experts will present its recommendations on the modern-day vaccine on Thursday.Approval from the FDA is expected soon.

The agency's staff did not raise any major questions about the modern vaccine on Tuesday.Pfizer vaccines are currently being given to public health staff in the United States on a priority basis.

President Donald Trump has welcomed the first vaccine.Donald Trump give Congratulations to the United States of America and the world on this occasion in his tweet.

The Pfizer vaccine is stored in extremely cold temperatures and supplies to US distribution centers began Sunday.

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