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What Happens to Your Body When You Wear Headphones for Too Long


<img src="Headphone Bad Effects.jpg" alt="Headphones bad Effects on your body" />

Doctors have a 60-60 rule for the safe use of headphones.Which means that hearing 60% of the sound for 60 minutes is not harmful.When we break this rule,we can experience nausea and even sleep disorders.Prolonged use of head phones can have some negative effects on our body.



Wearing headphones for long periods of time can cause you headaches.Its not naturally but because of your own fault.This habit causes your scalp and inner ear to shrink and We get headaches.Headphones can also make migraines worse.


2.Hearing ability:

According to science, most 30-year-olds should hear the sound of 17 kHz.Which means they can hear the sound of an approaching mosquito.But the fact is that most young people at this age cannot hear at this level.

Also, do we all have 15,000 hearing cells at birth, but once one of us is lost.It cannot be restored.Scientists link the problem of cell damage to excessive use of headphones.


3.Ear mail:

Earphones cause mail to accumulate in the ear as they interfere with the natural outflow of this mail.Permanent accumulation of mail can lead to ear infections.

As well as inside the earphones.Due to the implantation.The pre-accumulated mail can also reach deeper into the ear.Which may cause you to feel dizzy.


4.Unreal sounds:

If you wear earphones or headphones too much.You may hear sounds that are not real.Even when you are resting in complete silence.You still hear sounds ringing, clicking, laughing or roaring.

Scientists claim that there is no cure for this thrill,but you can prevent this problem to some extent by reducing the time you put on headphones.


5.Skin problems:

According to medical experts, this process multiplies the number of thousands of bacteria in people.Who often wear large headphones, especially when they exercise and sweat.This can lead to acne and skin infections.

In addition, if you use earphones, excess oil may begin to accumulate inside your ears.Creating a wonderful soil for bacteria that can infect the skin inside the ears.

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