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New right-wing Political Campaign in Italy: Rename the Park

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A minister from a right-wing political party in the Italian government is campaigning to rename a park.They want to rename the park after the brother of former Italian dictator Mussolini.

Deutschland Archaeological Park in Xanten Turm

A right-wing minister in Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's cabinet wants to change the name of a park in the central city of Latina in his campaign.

They want to rename the park after the younger brother of former dictator Mussolini.The park is currently named after two investigative judges killed by Sicily's notorious mafia.This park is very popular among the locals of Latina.

Park Renaming Campaign

Claudio Dorigon, the deputy economy minister in Mario Draghi's cabinet, belongs to the right-wing League Party.The party is led by anti-immigrant politician Matteo Salvini.

Italian Giovanni Falcone

Giovanni Falcone investigative magistrate killed in motorway bombing.

Dorigon Park wants to name Arnoldo Mussolini once again.His campaign also has the strong support of his supporters.The park they want to rename is south of the capital, Rome.

Dorigon says the renaming of the park was in fact an attempt to change the history of Latina.He pointed out that the forests of the Latina swamp had been cleared by Mussolini's government and that the Latina population had been saved from mosquitoes that spread malaria.

Opposition to Dorigon

The Deputy Minister of Economy's campaign is facing strong opposition.It also includes the Five Star, the largest political party in the Italian parliament.She says if Prime Minister Draghi does not fire Claudio Dorigon.She will not shy away from launching a no-confidence motion against him.

Senator Tatajana Rojic

Another political party, the Democratic Party, Senator Tatajana Rojic, says Italy's current political system is the result of a struggle against fascists.Tatajana has described Dorigon as a sign of concern and remorse for the Draghi government.

Current name of the Park

The park, located in the central city of the same name in Latina.A province in the Lazio region of central Italy, was named in 1992 by investigators who were being investigated by the notorious Sicilian organized criminal mafia was killed.The slain investigators are Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borselino.The two victims were special investigative magistrates in Sicily.

Assassination of investigating magistrates

Anti-Mafia Judge Paulo Borselino was killed in a car bombing on July 19, 1992, in Polarmo, Sicily.Five other policemen were killed along with him.

Prior to Borcelino's death, Giovanni Falcone, an investigating magistrate, was also killed in a bomb blast on a motorway.Falcone was assassinated on May 23, 1992.One thing the two slain investigators have in common is that they have been collecting evidence against the Sicilian criminal mafia all their lives.

Benito Mussolini

A campaign is underway to rename a park in the Italian city of Latina after the brother of dictator Mussolini (speaking).

Arnoldo Mussolini

Arnoldo Mussolini, the younger brother of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, was a journalist as well as a politician.Like his brother, he fought in World War I.During his stay in Milan, he was the managing director of the popular newspaper Popolo Ditalia.

The Popolo Ditalia newspaper was founded by Benito Mussolini.During the publication of the newspaper, he vigorously promoted his brother's political views.Arnoldo also wrote speeches for his older brother.He was assassinated in 1930.

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