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Valley of the Paradises (Jinn) || Saudi Arabia Terrible


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Are there really Paradise (jinn) here? 

5 Mysterious Things That Make this Valley of Saudi Arabia Terrible.

There are many mysterious places on this earth.When you start talking about them.You immediately think of the Bermuda Triangle or the Lost City of Atlantis.You will also talk about the pyramids of Egypt or the complex structures found under the sea that archaeologists have not been able to understand.One such mysterious place is the Jinn Valley, located in Saudi Arabia.

When people go to Saudi Arabia, they definitely go to this place.If you are planning to visit this place, here are some things you should know about it.If you're not planning, then maybe these things will force you to look.Because that's what makes this place so mysterious.

The abode of the Paradises ( jinn)

It is said that no one wants to stay in this place for long because of the people living in this valley.

However, this has not been confirmed till date and it is still a secret.

Can't stay long

Passing through here, if your car's engine starts, its speed automatically reaches 100 kilometers per hour and you can't reduce this speed even if you want to.This situation is also considered to be the work of Paradise (jinn).

Even if the car is stopped

Even if you turn off the car, turn off the engine and get it out of gear.You will not be able to stop it.At that time, the speed of the car will increase to 120 kilometers per hour.

There is no slope

Most people try to explain the situation in such a way that the road is on the slope so the vehicles start moving automatically,but the climb here has also disproved this theory of the people.The speed on the climb is also somehow.No, it does not decrease, it increases, but here the water flows upwards.

Fear of night

Although tourists want to visit this valley.They also do not want to stay here after sunset and return earlier.Because after that strange noises are heard here even if any other person is in this place.Does not exist.

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