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Every Aspect of a Woman is Respectable || Women Rights

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Islam gives woman mother, sister, daughter, wife Purpose is respected in every way.In addition to his female relatives, he has also taught good manners to ordinary women by living within the limits of shame and modesty.

A Woman as mother:

The Almighty has bestowed the greatest status on a woman as a mother, because the mother not only gives birth to a child after suffering, but also bears the responsibility of her initial training.The mother's lap is the children's first school.The child who is properly trained in the mother's lap stays on it all his life.

As is well known: from infancy to infancy; 

Therefore, we can say without fear that a mother has the most important role in building a good and virtuous society.

Woman as wife rights:

Islam has given the woman equal rights with the man in the form of wife and has repeatedly urged the husband to pay his wife's rights. 

Where Islam has given the woman the rights of dowry, non-maintenance and housing as the wife.The same it has also been emphasized that you should dress them as you wear them and feed them as you eat them. (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith: 1)

Allah K Habib has called this person the best man who treats his wife (children) with kindness. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1)

The husband is urged not to consider his wife as a slave and to avoid beating her.(Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith: 1)

Take care of his self-esteem and do not treat him with contempt.If Satan puts his evils in his heart, he will refresh the aspects of his goodness in his heart and mind.Just as no person is a combination of evils.So a wife is not a combination of all evils.You look at your wife in that context.Living together does not lead to grievances, complaints and disagreements, but who sets fire to their nest because of it? 

If you think your wife needs a stern warning, explain it to her.Otherwise separate your bed from her and if that doesn't work out, you can lightly reprimand her.

Islam obliges the husband to provide for all the necessities of life, including bread, alimony and housing, thus relieving the woman of the burden of financial responsibility.

Despite this, the woman has not been made the vassal of the man in every matter, but has also been given financial stability in the form of dowry, inheritance, etc.Needs should also be ignored.The husband must meet the expenses of the wife and children and the legitimate needs.If a husband, despite being wealthy, acts stingily in this matter.Then the Shari'ah has allowed the wife of such a husband to spend out of his wealth without permission and in moderation as required.(Bukhari Sharif, Vol. 1, p. 2, Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith: 1)

Women have the right to work:

Islam does not impose any restrictions on a woman's employment, provided it does not affect her actual (domestic) responsibilities.There is scope for women to play a role in the economic struggle and national development with shame and veil.

However, if all women leave their homes and start contributing to the economic struggle and national development.

  • What will happen?
  • How will the children be trained?
  • A husband who arrives at home tired and seeks comfort in the shadow of his faithful wife's service and love.
  • How can he find this comfort when both husband and wife are out of the house? 
  • What will be the substitute for the welcome that is sought from the wife by sending a smile to the husband?
These questions need attention.The teaching of Islam is that both men and women have equal respect and status in society.The importance of both is certain, but the scope of both is different.Because of the physical strength and mental capacity of the man, since the Almighty Himself has given superiority to the woman.The administrative matters are entrusted to her, while the domestic affairs are the responsibility of the woman, of which the survival of the human race is the most important.If a woman was not given any responsibility other than humanization.Then this one responsibility was enough for her.For the survival of humanity, the evolution of humanity and the well-being and progress of society.The cooperation and collaboration of both men and women is essential.That is why it is said that a husband and wife have two wheels of a car.Want to be part of a life race.

Woman as daughter:

This form of woman is also respectable.If Islam has declared the birth of a son a blessing, then it has also called a daughter a blessing.Before Islam, it was not customary to ask the daughter for her opinion on marriage.Islam commands that the opinion of the daughter should be sought before establishing a relationship.The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) promised his companionship in Paradise on the best training of the daughter and her marriage when she becomes an adult.Raised daughters or sisters until they reach adulthood, he and I will be together like this on the Day of Resurrection (He pointed with both fingers of his hand). ”(Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1)

It was his custom that whenever Hazrat Fatima (RA) came, he would stand up and greet her and express his happiness.The same love and affection was with other daughters and even with their children.

Hazrat Imam, the daughter of Hazrat Zainab (RA), used to take him down for bowing and prostration when she would get on his shoulder during prayers and when he got up from prostration, he would put her on his shoulder.

These rights of the daughter are not limited to the time before her marriage or to the time.When she was living happily with her husband, but even if the daughter came to the parents' house after divorce.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Shall I not tell you the best charity? That daughter of yours whom you provide for and there is no one to earn for it except you. ”(Sunan Ibn Majah, page 3, Maktab Meezan)

Woman as sister:

Islam has taught respect for sister, compassion and empathy with her.Islam has also declared the sister to be entitled to the inheritance of the parents.The sister has also been given a share in the property of the brother.The brothers are not only the guardians of the honor and dignity of the sisters but also the guardians of the unmarried sisters after the father.Whoever brought up three daughters or three sisters like them, taught them manners, took pity on them until the Almighty made them selfless (through marriage).Then the Almighty made Paradise obligatory for him.

But a Companion asked: O Messenger of Allah! Even if there are two (instead of three)? He said: Whether it is two or the same

She had a foster sister, Hazrat Shaimaa (RA). Whenever she came to see him.She treated him with great respect and compassion.Hazrat Shema was also among the prisoners of the battle of Haneen.When these prisoners were brought before the Holy Prophet along with the women, he spread his blessed chador in their honor so that they could sit on it.If you want to stay here with me, stay here and if you want to go back to your nation, you will be taken there with full safety.Hazrat Shaimaa (RA) was very impressed by this kind treatment and converted to Islam.

According to her wish, she was returned to her nation with full protection.While leaving, the Holy Prophet also gave him three slaves, a slave girl, a few camels and a few goats.Not only that, in his honor, he released all the prisoners of his tribe (Banus Saad), who numbered six thousand (6,000) and included men, women and children.He also returned all the property and cattle of the tribe of Banus Saad, saying that it was a matter of benevolence.The result of this compassion and mercy was that the whole tribe voluntarily entered the realm of Islam.This practice of the Prophet (PBUH) is a model of goodness and a model of action for every brother till the end of time.

The Tragedy of The Present:

In the matter of inheritance, even good Muslims seem to be depriving their sisters of their rights.Most people are not convinced that the sister also has a share in the inheritance and the people who have some knowledge of Islam accept it, but still do not give the sisters a share in the inheritance.Rather, they are somehow forgiven and satisfied, although this forgiveness is not from the heart, but in shame, and such forgiveness is not valid according to sharee'ah.

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