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Akshay Kumar: Amazon's First Bollywood Movie, Akshay Kumar will be the Hero

<img src="Amazon Movies.jpg" alt="Akshay Kumar  is Hero in Amazon First movie ">

Amazon, the largest online shopping company, is going to make its first film in Bollywood in which film star Akshay Kumar will appear.

AFP news agency, Amazon said in a statement on Wednesday that the name of the film is 'Ram Seto'.Which will be released in cinemas first.

Global movies platforms, including Netflix, Amazon and Disney's Hotstar, have recently expanded their presence in India.

His popularity is also due to the lockdown caused by the Corona virus epidemic.Which has made people eager to go to the cinema and watch movies reluctant to leave their homes.

However, recently, Amazon's case in India got into trouble when Amazon had to apologize for the drama called 'Tando'.

Politicians in India's ruling party called for the show to be banned because they said it "mocked Hindu gods" and insulted people's religious sentiments.

India's sensor rules do not apply to live services like Amazon and Netflix.But in movies and TV shows, the scenes are definitely cut.

However, under guidelines issued in India last month.Live platforms must remove objectionable content within 36 hours.

According to media reports, due to the controversy over 'Tando', the directors are now having to be very careful in their programs.

During a visit to India last month, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos told Bollywood filmmakers that Amazon was doing well in every country but was "not doing better than India."

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